- 5: Sudden Rise -

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--- Yuri's POV ---

Yuri effortlessly cut down two goblins at once, sending both of their heads flying with a single swing of her blade. As their bodies hit the floor, she slid her sword back into it's black sheathe with an expressionless face. Hearing the echoing shrieks of another goblin as it was killed, she turned her head to see her Master, Arakan, who had just felled another group of them. Together, they had killed just eight of them so far.

Arakan: "Collect their left ears, Aluri. I'm heading further inside, join me when you finish."

Yuri: "Understood."

She first knelt down, waiting for him to turn before getting to work with a dagger she held. While she was bent over to take their ears, the thin metal plate hanging around her neck hovered at the edge of her vision. It had been just two days since they had become adventurers despite her master initially deciding against becoming one. Yuri found herself wondering why he had changed his mind so quickly, but did not think to question him. They had already completed three jobs in this two day time span, this would be their fourth. It was something that was apparently quite impressive to the humans that needed these jobs done.

Yuri had heard while Arakan was accepting the job that the one they were currently on was apparently a special case. It was an extermination job meant for Iron plate adventurers, but because of an apparent lack of this level of adventurers in Re-Uroval and the speed with which the two of them had completed their first three, they had been allowed to take it on even as copper plates, the lowest ranking.

Yuri finished collecting what she needed from the beasts rather quickly, standing up. There had been six in total, though she had collected two ears already from the goblins that were standing guard at the entrance.  She currently stood inside a pitch black cave, but both Arakan and Yuri had DarkVision, It was no problem for them. She rushed off to find her master further ahead after finishing, hoping to be as useful as was physically possible.

She caught up to him rather quickly, finding him engaged with another group of goblins, though one of them seemed to be different from usual. It recited something in it's native language- and suddenly a projectile made entirely of green acid was launched directly towards Arakan. It was the second tier Acid Javelin spell. Arakan lifted his silver sword, moving it's blade into the path of the spell. It made contact, causing the projectile to burst into a cloud of steam. It seemed that her master's blade had the capacity to counter magic to some degree.

Arakan: "Aluri. Seems we've found a goblin who can cast magic. I wonder how strong the ones back at the guild would consider it to be?"

Even while looking at and speaking to Yuri, Arakan parried a strike from one of the magic caster's minions before decapitating it. Yuri quickly moved up to assist, launching her armored fist forwards. It made contact with a goblin, completely obliterating the upper half of it's body.

Yuri: "...Hopefully strong enough that we're promoted, Raan-sama."

Her master chuckled for some reason after hearing her say that. It had been an honest statement.

Arakan: "That would definitely be ideal. I was thinking the same thing."

The Goblin shaman continued to launch spells at the both of them to no avail. Yuri simply evaded them while systematically destroying the heads of each of the other goblins guarding it, and Arakan rendered the spells useless by moving his blade to intercept them every time he was their target. Within a few seconds the goblin's number had been reduced to just one. The magic casting shaman.

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