- 7: A "Hero" -

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--- Arakan's POV ---

Arakan and Yuri had stepped out of the inn just in time to hear an explosion in the distance, one that shook the ground beneath them. They both looked over in the direction of it alongside any other citizens that happened to be nearby. Startled murmurs and questions could be heard being spoken by those who were nearby, and nearby patrols of soldiers had already started running towards the direction they'd heard the explosion come from. One or two adventurers had also started running in that direction.

Arakan: Oh?...They made the decision to respond almost instantly. That's pretty impressive.

"We'll go too, Aluri."

Yuri: "Understood."

They had both started running simultaneously, with Arakan running slightly ahead of Yuri. They ran at a speed faster than what even most adventurers could move, but did not go so fast that they reached the site of the explosion immediately. It was important to let things progress just a little first, after all.

As they got closer to the source, Arakan could now see smoke rising from the building they were running to even despite the fact that they could not yet see said building. And then, upon turning a corner, the pair of them found their first obstacle.

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The bodies of several Re-Uroval guards lay scattered across the stone-brick street, many of them dismembered or soaked in blood. Upon closer inspection, Arakan could see the corpses of three adventurers as well. No civilians. In the center of this death stood a hulking beast of an undead armed with a flamberge and a great shield, both of which matched the jet black hue of the armor covering it's decayed form.

It was a Level 35 Death Knight, and it was currently engaged in battle with a group of adventurers who had come to aid the now deceased soldiers. And they were losing. This Death Knight was inferior to those that could be created by Ainz, but it was still powerful, and a trio of them would likely give even Yuri a good amount of trouble as she was now using lesser gear and holding herself back. It was more than a match for the humans of this world, who didn't seem to ever exceed Level 20 except in rare cases.

The gap between this Knight and the one who had summoned it was not large...thus making it a rather valuable asset. It was likely that there weren't many here. Arakan didn't want to waste it by killing it here, but because it stood in their way, that was what had to happen. The Death Knight lifted it's flamberge to strike at an adventurer who made a pointless attempt at defense, and Arakan sprung into action. Before the blade had even crossed the midpoint on it's path to cleave the adventurer in two, Arakan had moved between the two warriors and lifted his own silver blade.

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