Chapter 24: New info

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"You can never escape, She-elf.

Nestarel heard the menacing voice which send shivers of fear down her spine in the utter darkness around her. The voice seemed to echo from unseen walls around her and filled all around her.

"No!" she whispered.

"Oh but yes." The witch king taunted with followed by a dark chuckle. "You will die and soon that fake prince will die as well. I will ask my Lord to let him live and I will watch him every second. Watch him suffer and cry from the pain of losing his love and die slowly, painfully.

"No, Legolas! Legolas!" shouted Nestarel as she tried to find a way out of that dark abyss. Anything, even a ray of light.

"You are all doom to die. My master will kill you all who dared to challenge him. But that is only a game for him. Do you thought you pathetic creatures have any chance against him?" hissed the witch king angrily.

"Legolas!" shouted Nestarel.

"Nestarel!"  Legolas desperate and distant voice filled her ears."Nestarel my dear, please wake up."

"Legolas!" she called him back desperately as well.

"Nestarel Umariel. Come back to the light!" a deep familiar voice boomed in her dark dream and rattled the unseen endless darkness. Slowly she began to see a beam of light in distance, growing bigger and bigger with each second and she took a run towards it.

"Mithrandir!" she called while running.

"Nestarel! Wake up, my love." cried Legolas again and at the end of his sentence, Nestarel's eyes fluttered open and she jolted upright on the bed she had been laid on and watched her surroundings in panic.

She was in a small but clean room with stone walls. The late morning sun was shining into the room from its only narrow window. She was in a small bed with white covers. Her frightened eyes found Legolas who was sitting next to her and had her hands in a tight grip, looking at her with worried eyes. "Legolas!" she whispered and then hugged him tight like her life depend on it. Legolas quickly wrapped his arms around her fragile body and pulled her into his chest while taking a deep breath of relief. He caressed her soft golden locks gently and whispered sweet nothing in her ear while kissing her temple repeatedly. 

After a few minutes, Nestarel pulled away and cupped his cheeks with both hands. Her eyes which were filled with tears scanned his body for any sign of injuries but other than a few scratches she found nothing. "You are fine!" she whispered and smiled weakly.

Legolas kissed her forehead and leaned his forehead on hers, both closing their eyes in bliss. "Yes I'm fine." he said softly. "It was only a nightmare."

Someone cleared their throat and Nestarel pulled away and looked around her again. Only this time she saw Gimli, Aragorn, and white-clad Gandalf standing at the foot of the bed. "You are all fine. Thanks to Elbereth." she said with a soft smile playing on her trembling lips. 

"Yes, lassie." said Gimli who took a step forward and took her hand and gave it a soft squeeze. "But here you gave us a heart attack. We thought we lost you. You were so pale and it was hard to see if you are breathing. This pointy ear here was dying."

"I'm sorry to make you worried." said Nestarel but then frowned a bit. "But what happened. Gandalf you are here. Please tell me we won the battle."

Gandalf smiled. "Yes, we won, my dear." said Gandalf. "You all fought so well."

"Gandalf came to our rescue with two thousand men he had gathered at the last minute and saved us all." said Aragorn and then smiled warmly at her. "It's so good to see you fine, my lady. Gimli had found you unconscious in the cave when he had been brought there wounded."

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