Chapter 2: Imladris

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Next morning, Nestarel woke up before dawn. She put on her travel clothes, an azure tunic which had silver designs and black boots and leggings and then wrapped herself with her thick dark green cloak. The autumns were so cold in the north. When she got ready she went to the gates.

She found a group of Elves waiting for her and the prince. They all turned to her when she stepped out of the gates and smiled at her. Everyone loved Nestarel Umariel the healer. They felt relaxed and happy when she was near them. 

Their horses were restless. Nestarel went and stood near the horse that had been prepared for her. She was ebony with a cream mane. The horse nuzzled her muzzle to Nestarel's neck and purred uneasily.

Nestarel caressed her soft mane. "It's alright little friend. We will go out of the forest soon. You are not the only one who feels uneasy when they are in the forest these days." She said softly.

"Nestarel!" Nestarel spun around and saw Legolas walking toward her. He was in his armor and his dark green travel cloak was around him. He looked so handsome. Nestarel tried to push this thought to the back of her mind. A sword was in his hand that was odd. He didn't like swords. Nestarel bowed when he approached. "My prince." she greeted him.

Legolas stood in front of her and raised his hand and held the sword in front of her. "The sword that you took the last day isn't suitable for you. Take this one." he said. "I asked the smith to forge this for you.

Nestarel took the sword, drew it and glanced at it surprised. It was light and handy. Its sharp blade was thin but it was dangerous in fights. on its silver sheath, little leaves made of Mithril were shining.

"This is beautiful." said Nestarel amused and then looked at Legolas who had a satisfied smile on his lips. "Thank you, my lord."

Legolas put his hand on her shoulder. "I wish you don't have to use it till the end of the journey." he said seriously. "But if anything happened, stay at my side all the time. I will protect you.

Nestarel felt a warm feeling in her heart. She smiled and nodded. Legolas smiled back and then turned to the others. "Mount your horses. We will ride for long before stopping for the night." he ordered and everyone bowed and mounted their horses. 

When Nestarel mounted her horse, she saw Thranduil and Tauriel standing at the gates. Her eyes met Thranduil's and saw worry deep in them. "Don't be worry, my lord. I will take care of him. I promise." she thought to herself but as if Thranduil heard her, he nodded his head slowly.

Just then, Legolas neighed his horse and then all the group followed him as he rode fast in the forest. The journey to Imladris had been begun.

Nestarel had an odd feeling. Deep down she knew this journey would not end in Imladris, but she rode with others on a road which she didn't know where it would take her, unaware of what was waiting for her.

She remembered what Bilbo Baggins had told her 60 years ago when she was helping him with his wounds and he was telling her about his journey. "It's a dangerous business, my Lady, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." and Nestarel knew it better than anyone.

As much as she tried but that horrible memory from her past crawled into her mind and made her nausea.

She raised her head and saw Legolas' back. His blond hair was flying behind him. "If anything happened, stay at my side all the time. I will protect you.". His words flowed into her mind and pushed back the bad memory. Nestarel focused on his words like a rescue rope and slowly relaxed. 


At nightfall, they had passed the great Anduin and were riding for Dimirill stairs on the tree-covered slopes of misty mountains. Few hours after sunset Legolas ordered them to stop. They were in an area which had a sparse cover of pine trees. The area was full of their great smell. Nestarel dismounted and stretched her sore limbs. It was a long ride and they had only stopped once and only for half an hour.

They didn't set a fire in fear of Orcs. So, after a light dinner, the ones who were not set for guarding, wrapped themselves in their cloaks and tried to sleep. Nestarel couldn't sleep at all. After an hour of fighting to sleep, she finally gave up and got up and went and sat on a stone not too far from the campsite. Her curls had fallen to her waist freely. The full moon was shining and her hair was glowing like a waterfall made of pure gold. 

"None of us should get far away from the group." Nestarel turned her head at the hearing of the familiar voice and saw Legolas standing there. "It's dangerous in these areas. Orcs are roaming here freely, unchallenged." he said and looked around with wary eyes, those two oceans that were shining in the moonlight. 

"I'm sorry, but I couldn't sleep." replied Nestarel.

Legolas came and sat beside her on the stone. He took her hand in his. Nestarel looked at him surprised but he preferred to look ahead and began to play with her fingers. The action weirdly managed to relax her tense muscles and she sighed trying to relax.

They sat there watching the valley in front of them in silence. The silver line of Anduin could be seen which was flowing in the misty plains.

"How are you?" asked Legolas and broke the silence.

Nestarel gazed at him. "Fine. Thanks." she answered softly.

"It was long time we had not talked like this." said Legolas and smiled.

Nestarel smiled back at him. "It was long time you were traveling all the time. It was hard to see you in the past 60 years ago." said Nestarel quietly.

Legolas just stared at her and then his hold on her hand tightened a bit. "I had to travel, I should've find the answers." he said and then looked ahead once more.

"And did you find them?" asked Nestarel.

Legolas looked at her and then laughed bitterly. "Alas, some answers don't want to be found." he said.

Nestarel squeezed his hand. "sometimes if you don't find the answer it's because your point of view from the question is wrong. If you change your way of looking at the problem maybe you can find the answer and I'm sure you will find them soon." she said and gently touched his arm.

Legolas glanced at her for a moment. He then bent down and plant a soft kiss on her forehead and then put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her to his side. "Thank you, Nestarel." he said.  "You are the healer of my soul.

Nestarel smiled. Somehow his words meant a lot for her. For the rest of the night, they sat there and enjoyed the presence of each other.


Next day at noon they reached the Dimirill stairs without trouble. So it was that after long hours and after nightfall they finally reached the hidden valley of Imladris.

Nestarel took a deep breath in the fresh and fragrant air. She liked the mixed scent of water and pine trees. They had just dismounted in the first yard of the city when they heard the distressed cry of someone. "Nestarel Umariel!" 

Nestarel spun around and saw Gandalf the gray flying down the stone stairs. He was anxious and agitated.  "We are blessed that you have come here at this hour." he said and the grabbed Nestarel's hand and started dragging a very surprised Nestarel after himself. "Come. there is someone here who needs your help.

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