Chapter 29: The battle

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Nestarel had sat on a stone gazing at nothing in particular. They were running for three days now, followed by a silent army of dead and they were heading to the banks of Anduin, hoping to be able to stop the pirated before they can join the army of Mordor. 

It was night and the dark clouds of Mordor that had covered the sky didn't let any light reach the earth. All around them was silent. Although they couldn't see the dead soldiers, they knew they are around. 

Nestarel was exhusted. The pain in her chest had intensified on some level, making breathing difficult for her, and she could see visions from the witch king's point of view. She knew that the war had begun and she hoped they arrive in time. Her appetite was almost zero and she only was eating small portions to keep her strong face in front of Legolas but the worry for everything and everyone was eating her soul away. 

She felt a presence beside her and felt the strong arm of Legolas around her waist which pulled her to his secure chest. She closed her eyes and leaned to his warmth trying to relax. Legolas kissed her temple a few times gently and stroked her silky hair.

"You should rest like the others. You need it." he whispered beside her ear. "I know you are not feeling fine. You try to seem strong But I can see you suffer." he said when Nestarel didn't answer. 

Nestarel looked up at him. He kissed her forehead and then her lips. "I can see the pain in your eyes, my love. You can't hide it from me." he said. He then pulled her into his lap and let her lean her head on his chest. "I won't try to send you back or something. It's too late for it now. But I', worried for your health."

"I will be fine." said Nestarel. "You are with me. That's all I need."

Legolas sighed and began to caress her hair. "Do you remember that time during the feast of summer?" he asked suddenly. he couldn't help her to decrease the pain but he could distract her from it and the events that were happening.

Nestarel didn't look up or open her eyes. "Legolas we have had thousands of summer feasts from when we have born." she said.

"I remember it like it has happened yesterday," he said dreamingly. "I had stood in a corner, sipping my wine, watching the most beautiful and mesmerizing Eleth that I have ever seen in my life, dancing under the light of stars. Her light blue dress was flowing around her as she was twirling and her hair was shining more than pure gold. Her soft laughter was the most beautiful voice in my ears and the light of stars was shining in her captivating eyes. My heart was melting in my chest, but I was dumb to not know I love her"

Nestarel smiled and looked up. Legolas had a smile too and his eyes lit up at her beautiful smile. But he suddenly scrunched his nose in disgust. "Then suddenly I saw that dumb Elon, walking to her way, asking her to dance." He continued with a trace of anger in his voice. 

Nestarel chuckled lightly and kissed his nose. The sound that Legolas had missed dearly filled his heart with joy. He didn't remember when was the last time he had heard her laughter. "I can't believe you are jealous of that Elon even now." she giggled cutely. "Tell me what stopped you from not punching him straight in the face."

"I saw something that stopped me." said Legolas and laughed a bit. "I saw her politely refusing him and I saw a silver clip that I had given her shining among her golden hair. She then looked my way and smiled brightly and I enjoyed the rest of my night, dancing with her in my arms."

Nestarel smiled brightly and laid her head on his shoulder. "I remember that night." she whispered. Legolas frowned down on her. "My maid was insisting me to wear another clip, telling me that your clip was old and I was using it a lot and I should have tried another one. But I refused for I loved it more than any other possessions I got. Now I know why. I loved the one who had given it to me, but I was dumb to not admit it to myself."

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