Chapter 8: The journey to the south

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 It was a cold autumn morning. Nestarel and Legolas went to the main entrance of Imladris where they were going to see the rest of the group. They both had their backpacks and had wrapped themselves in their Elvish cloaks. They got to their destination and saw Gimli, Boromir, Gandalf and the hobbits standing there.

A small group of the Elves had been gathered as well. Arwen was there too, but there was no sign of Aragorn and Lord Elrond. Gimli saw Nestarel and rolled his eyes and murmured somethings about women and elves. Nestarel smiled. Although the fiery temper dwarf didn't like Nestarel, she had become fond of him. He was funny and though he tried hard to hide it, he had a kind heart. 

After some moments Aragorn and after him Elrond came. Aragorn seemed sad. He looked at Arwen and then dropped his head. Nestarel could almost guess what had happened. Elrond should have told Aragorn to leave his daughter. 

"The Ring-bearer is setting out on the quest of Mount Doom." said Elrond and Nestarel looked at him. "On you who travel with him, no oath nor bond is laid to go further than you will. Farewell. Hold to your purpose. May the blessings of elves and men and all free folk go with you."

The fellowship turned to Frodo. "The fellowship awaits the ring-bearer." Said Gandalf. Frodo moved and get out of the gates and they followed him.

"Mordor, Gandalf, is it left or right?" Nestarel heard him whispered to Gandalf. "Left." Answered Gandalf.

So the journey to the mount doom began. For three weeks they were walking to the South toward the Gap of Rohan. They were walking in the cover of the night and resting in days. Everywhere was so silent. Even the sound of animals couldn't be heard. Only big black birds like crows were flying in the sky and Gandalf believed that they were Saruman's spies. 

They had reached the lands near Eregion and the mines of Moria. They had camped in the middle of the day for resting a bit. Nestarel had sat next to Aragorn, watching Boromir teaching Merry and Pippin how to use a sword.

"Two, one, five. Good! Very good." said Boromir. "Move your feet." said Aragorn. "You look good, Pippin." encouraged Merry. "Thanks." Said Pippin. This time Merry came forth and tried. "Faster!" Said Boromir.

"If anyone was to ask for my opinion, which I note they're not, I'd say we were taking the long way, Gandalf. We could pass through the mines of Moria. My cousin Balin would give us a royal welcome." said Gimli. Nestarel became rigid. Even in the realm of Mirkwood, she had heard the ominous reputation of the mines. The thought of going into those cursed mines made her heart to beat faster.

"No Gimli, I would not take the road through Moria, unless I had no other choice." said Gandalf.

Suddenly Merry made a mistake and Boromir's sword collided with his hand and he dropped his sword. "Sorry!" Said Boromir worriedly and went to help him.

"Get him!" said Merry and attacked Boromir.

"For the Shire!" Shouted Pippin and attacked as well.

Soon, little hobbits pinned the giant captain of Gondor to the ground. "Hold him. Hold him down, Merry!" Said Pippin. Boromir was laughing. Nestarel looked at him and smiled. It was the first time she saw him free-minded and relax. She could imagine him playing with his own sons.

"Gentlemen, that's enough." said Aragorn and went to help Boromir, but the hobbits pulled his legs from under him and he fell on his back too and caused Nestarel to laugh.

"What is that?" Asked Sam suddenly and they all turned to him. Legolas was standing on a rock and watching ahead. "Nothing. It's just a wisp of cloud." said Gimli.

"It's moving fast. Against the wind." said Boromir. Nestarel stood and looked at the thing like a black cloud in the sky coming toward them and her eyes widened from fear.

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