Chapter 1 - Dance with the death

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You paced down the Prime path. Your netherite armor shined reddishly in the setting sun, which was slowly going down to the horizon. Big innithotel passed right next to you, empty as usual. You looked at your watch - it was 7pm.

"Ah fuck." you mumbled to yourself, quickening you pace. Time of your meeting was supposed to be in a half an hour, and you really mustn't miss it. It wasn't that far, but some time to prepare for it would be welcome. L'manburg was an interesting choice to meet. Sentimental, to say at least.

Metal tinkled with the glass on the impact. Before you stood L'manhole, in all of it's glory. You bent down, panting - you really lost your condition from the past few days. Some training shouldn't hurt. Maybe Purpled could spend some time with you? A new task got written to your endless imaginary notepad - Train with Purpled. You sighed. After this, you'll ask him.

"Hello." Someone behind you spoke up, jump scaring you. Your axe immediately shot up, while you turned to the unknown voice.

Wilbur stood before you, smiling smugly. He haven't moved at all. His look aimed at the axe, which was just a few inches before him. A snicker escaped from his lips.

"Oh sorry, i didn't meant to-" You quickly dropped your weapon down, ashamed of how easily you got scared.

"It's fine. I see- you still got your reflexes, huh?" Wilbur's white streak waved in the wind, with his cloak opened. Soaked bandages wrapped around his chest, with no shirt or hoodie covering it up. He picked up the cigarette from his mouth and stomped on it, leaving a black mark on the glass.

"So. I wanted to make a deal. Do you still have the letter that i wrote, (y/n)?"

You searched your pockets, suspicious of Wilbur's question. Why would he ask you that? Of course you had it. You had all of your stuff always on you, just for any case of something happening. On this server, you really didn't know what could possibly happen.

"Yes, I have it." You responded, grabbing the letter from your breast pocket. You didn't pull it out thought. Wilbur narrowed his eyes, but he didn't mark anything.

"So you know, that this is going to be a risky business. Stakes are high, and information is crucial in these times." His smile drooped. "I know that you have your own life, and your other deals. Hope you won't betray me."

You looked on him in confusion. What was he talking about?

Wilbur chuckled.

"Oh, you still haven't caught it? I know about you and Quackity, (y/n). I know about your connections in Las Nevadas. I know how important you are. And that's why I want to use you. Your status gives you a lot of power. Being a right hand man of a leader of the biggest country isn't something to forget about. And you know it. Damn well." Wilbur laughed. Did you really heard a hint of insanity?

"And you use it to your advantage. You and I are similar, (y/n). We both want power and we'll get that power, no matter what." You frowned.

"Hey hey hey- you're getting little ahead of yourself. I was never like you- and I'll never be. Betrayal is a special attribute to one of us, and we both know who is it." Your arm rested on your belt, with your thumb sticking out under it.

"Your loyalty will weight you down. If you'll be the little sheep, bounded to your leader, doing all of the things he says-" Wilbur tilted his head "-and he would magically disappear one day- you would be lost. No one would be here to order you, or even care." The smug grin settled on his face once again.

"I'm a man of my word, Wilbur. My deals are my deals, and no one said that i obey every Quackity's word." You grabbed Wilbur's shoulders, and started walking him to the community house. Blue lanterns illuminated your path.

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