Chapter 18 - Enemy's help

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TW// derealization


Is staying on Dream's side worth it?

You've been staring on the enderman the whole night. After you woke up, there wasn't a slightest possibility to fall asleep, so you instead wandered in your thoughts.

Not until Wilbur gives me the revival book. Only if I knew when he's planning on doing it, because the deal we made has really hazy conditions.

My goal to save Purpled is complete. What comes next?

Your eyes closed.

I want to stop betraying. But if I plan on sticking with Dream until I know how to use clocks to control Ranboo- well... I'd need to betray Dream.

You took a deep breath and opened your eyes.

And if I'm on it, I could at least have a little fun... And spark some suspicion into others. After I learn about Ranboo, I need to detach from Dream. Why not use others then?

You peered into the enderman's eyes for the last time and stood up, deciding it's time to wake up Purpled and get out of Paradise.

Ranboo stood up too without any words, his vivid eyes sparkling for one final time, and proceeded to vanish in a bright flash of purple particles. You were getting used to it at this point, although you always felt a little jumpy afterwards.

When you woke up Purpled, the first thing was to check on the injury on his back. It looked the same, unsurprisingly, but the good news were that it wasn't infected in any way, saving you from more troubles than you had now.

"How do you feel?" You helped him sit up properly on the bed and slowly gave him his armour pieces one by one.

"It's better now." Purpled uttered, accepting your efforts and putting his set on. "Can you explain- what actually happened after Sam took you into the Prison?"

You chuckled at his question. "Well, Sam put me in with Dream. We had a conversation about the early SMP and so on-"

And about pre-SMP too, but I don't want to talk about that, do I?

"I tried to escape- and failed. Then Techno came in, Dream got out... Sam killed me... And now I'm back!"

Purpled pointed towards the pale streak in your hair. "Is that..."

You nodded. "Yep. There's a lot more, but we don't have time. Sam and Sapnap are surely searching for us and it was a great risk for us to be here in the first place..." With your hand stretched out for your friend, you helped him stand up and slowly made your way out of the cobblestone room.

With no one in sight, both of you pearled away from Paradise.

"So," Purpled whispered. "what's the next plan?"

You took a deep breath and looked back at the burger van in distance. "The next thing is to find Techno."

The alien-hybrid's eyes darted at you. "Why him?"

"I hate to say it this way, but we need his help."

Help... What a pathetic name to such a fun time that's about to come.


The hot nether and freezing tundra weren't the best biomes to travel in, especially if you had a spare diamond armor and an injured friend that you needed to support most of the time. Purpled was apologetic about his burden, trying to ease the weight he's been putting onto you and trying to shield off skeletons and ghasts.

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