Chapter 23 - A thread and a clock

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TW// mention of torture


As any favour, this favour was overlooked by the god. And DreamXD... DreamXD was particulary interesting in adhering favours.

"Be careful, (y/n). You know how powerful enemies you'll make." Wilbur rasped from behind, collecting himself off the floor.

"I know, Wilbur. I know." Your words were like from a different dimension, distanced and strange.

You knew you weren't ready to look into the real life, but time was passing and you might be already revealed.

Ranboo's hand up and wrapped around yours, everyone could see the golden clock you held. You were right.

You stared silently into the hybrid's eyes. It was too late, but you eased your press around the watch anyways and dropped the clock to the ground, shattering it.

'But there's one thing that you are loyal to - favours.'

Your body tensed. Grip around your sword's handle tightened.

It was only one swing away.

Is this the right price to pay?

You plunged your sword into Ranboo's torso. Streaks of purple faded from his eyes as he looked down, horrified gaze locking at the blade sticking out of his stomach. The purple controlled stillness changed to his real, red and green free self, and now Ranboo was staring right into your soul, confusion and betrayal twisting his face.

"I'm sorry." You mouthed, but not a single apology could weight out your action. You were aware of that, but the humaneness flashing on his face incised into your mind as a terrifing picture and left you only with the feeling of rue and bitter taste of freedom. Afterall, you were free from Dream's strings of an unpayed favour.

As you pulled out the sword, you closed your eyes and let out a breath, which you were holding in for all of this time.

Two bodies laid ahead, previously tied together with an eerie truth of a thread and a clock.

Everything slowly came down to you. Quackity stood before Dream's body in disbelief, his crossbow still aiming at the same spot on the quartz wall. Technoblade's gaze lingered on fallen Ranboo. Everyone and everything was still at this very point.


"Why." The Blade said through gritted teeth, pain and anger mixing together in his voice.

"There's no single answer I could tell you, and it would be enough for you to understand." Your voice low, you felt like the tension and weight, which suddenly appeared, would crush your shoulders and you with it.

Technoblade's goring eyes peering right through you, it felt like this was a hunt and you were the prey. One hand of his was prepared to grab a pouch of potions, while knuckles on his second hand were whitening from how tightly he held his bloodied axe.

You went into a stabilized stance, knees eased and legs behind and under, quietly hissing as the deformed armor dug into your bruised side.

That only got him to sneer.

"I'm not going to fight you now, obviously." Technoblade scoffed, eyeing and nodding at the Angel of Death behind him. "But expect me... at the most unwished time."

Big Q sensed that Techno was about to leave. "You'll regret ever stepping foot in here."

The Blade snickered. "You want to me to blind you once again?"

The scar on Big Q's face...

Wings out and pearl thrown, Philza and Technoblade vanished.

The crowd was consumed in whispers. Quackity saw the opportunity and spoke up once again, clearly changing the tone of his voice from venomous to charming.

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