Chapter 2 - Secrets of the past

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A strong punch to your chest woke you up. Your head quickly snapped, as you tried to scramble yourself up.

"What the hell?" Unexpected, you felt something hard beneath you. It took some time to process it, but you finally got it.

You stood up from the floor, contemplating about your loss of attention. Was it really that early for your two brain cells to not figure it out for like a whole minute? You sighed. A start to a great day. Yay.

Clothes and the armor disappeared, as you put it on a piece by piece. You quickly made your way down the stairs to the hotel lobby. Foolish emerged in a corner of your sight. You changed the way of your path, so you would leave without speaking to him. You weren't in a mood to chit-chat with others. But Foolish already saw you.

"HEEEYYYY (y/n)!!" The totem shark made his way up to you, bouncing and jumping. You groaned.

"Hey Foolish." Your voice was rough and sore. You blamed it on the way you woke up.

"HAVE YOU SEEN THE POOLS??? AND ALSO THERE'S A SUUUPER COOL CHANDELIER! YOU SHOULD REALLY CHECK IT OUT!!" He jumped around you like a little kid, ready to show his parents the drawing he made in school. You pushed him away, frustrated.

"Not now. I'll look later." His shoulders dropped.

"But I'll see it, i promise." You knew that you definitely wouldn't.

"Okayyyy- See you later, then!" And he ran off to another victim.

You came out of the hotel by the front door, playing with your sword. One of your plans on today was to train with Purpled. Hope you'll meet him.

You continued to the restaurant- Maybe he was already up? It was 7am, so pretty possible for him to be running around. You looked inside- and there he was, sitting on the bar, sipping some coffee. You walked up to him, with your senses tense. There it was- his eyes shot on you, barely noticeable.

A high pitched sound zoomed right by your ear, mostly resembling glass. You turned around, but not quick enough. A kick was aimed at your stomach, hitting successfully. Quiet yelp escaped through your lips. You quickly picked yourself up, gripping your sword tighter. But Purpled was one step ahead of you already. He threw his trident at you, while he threw another pearl behind you unnoticed.

Your arm scurried, saving you from the hit by the trident. You felt your fingers slide from the haft of your sword, as something jerked it out your hands. You turned around in shock, trying to catch it, so you could at least somewhat reduce the mistake you made. Another sword appeared before you from behind. You stepped back, ready to fight. But your back collided with something, enabling the sword to be put on your throat.

"Give up." Purpled whispered to your ear, dead serious.

You both started laughing, as he put down the sword.

"That was great! I didn't know that you even threw some second pearl behind me!" You chuckled, enjoying the fight that you just put up. Purpled bent down, panting and laughing at the same time.

"Thanks man! I-" He still haven't caught his breath.

"And what was the give up? It sounded super serious!" You looked at him, playfully. You were best friends since you came here- it was nice to have someone this close to you. He was the only person you trusted and the only person to show your true self. You felt truly laid-back with him.

You bent down and picked up your sword, which has been thrown pretty far from you. Purpled came up to you and took you by your shoulders.

"So- why did you came here?" You sat down on the bar with him, putting your sword into its case by your side.

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