The Arena

210 4 0

TW// blood, violence


A droplet of sweat glisters through a ray of sunlight. The sky is blue, no clouds in sight, and the Sun is shining in all of its might. It is warm. Maybe a tad too much.

Then you fall.


Not able to control the free fall you are in, you spin and flip, air swishing next to your ears as your body speeds up by every moment passing. Something zooms aloft, thankfully missing its target, you, before another somethi- arrow cuts through the air under you and fruitlessly arches to who knows where.

The ground comes closer and closer. You need to do something, and fast, if you don't want to end up like a mangled corpse. Another roll through the swishing air - a hand hurriedly fumbles through your inventory, searching-

Sand and dust rolls through an arena. In its middle is what should be one of its warriors. Dead or alive, who cares.

It is silent.

The hazy wave of sand slowly sets back down.

The audience is waiting, c'mon...

Maybe a tad too silent.

Two yellow eyes shot open.

You heave, hair sticking to your forehead as you pick up a water bucket and throw it back into your inventory. The clouds of sand are still a pain to see through, making it almost impossible to-

You turn.

W h    i      z         z.

Whether it was an arrow or a trident, it missed just about an inch from your chest. Yeah, as you think. It still isn't over. Your stunt with the bucket was good, admirable even, but nothing that would completely knock the air out of your opponent.

Two potions smash against the sand. Strength, regen. When you step forward, the glass shards crunch under your boots.

Show me what you've got.

A faint buzz of a trident cominG-

"This one's familiar." You loudly state as you tightly grasp a fizzing trident in your gauntlets. It is struggling, trying to get away from you to the hands of its owner, but you don't budge. The trident is the thing passing by earlier, now coming back like a boomerang. "Unoriginal. Learned and perfected again and again. But, eh... I want to see more."

The trident rushes through the arena after you let it go, just in the hands of- "Just wait, (y/n)." -Purpled. He stands there, enchanted netherite shining like on display, a sword and a trident in his hands, ready for battle. "Try to be patient for once."

An arrow shot at him doesn't really shut him up. He scoffs. "Wooow."

You dash and throw a hook at him, which he acknowledges with a hum and a jump away, purple eyes glinting. The hook stabs at a wood of his shield he just brought up, harshly tugging before it comes loose.

Sand flies when you get to him, instantly disabling his shield with a blow from your axe and hitting a crit you successfully snuck under his defences. You are fast, and you know it - but Purpled is fast too, maybe faster, and always finds a way how to repay. Anything.

His legs scurry as he tries a blow at your side, yet you dodge it with a slight stumble and opt for a hook again - in a spin, you let the rod get its momentum and then strike. In a flash, you see how it grabs Purpled by his armor chest piece and tugs down, hard, almost sending him down on the sand. It's an opportunity, and you latch onto it like a starved man onto a piece of bread - hungrily, you slash down with your axe, sadly losing some time in changing your weapons. And it proves you've lost too much time, because the axe's blade finishes its arch with empty arms, couple of ender particles mocking you as they slowly fall down from where Purpled was.

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