Chapter 6 - Someone knows

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Your eyes opened, dizziness and lightheadedness striking you immediately. Clamor was all around you, making your head hurt. Every bit of your body was heavy, even your eyelids weren't complaint to lift up. Rough, sore words came from your throat, scratching the back of it.

"Where- where am I?" Your voice was shaky and weak, as it took all of your powers to just ask this. But no one came.

With strain of all of your forces, your head raised up. Confusion settled in, as you didn't recognize the room you were in. Cobble surrounded you, room so dim you couldn't evaluate the size of it. No light came in, as no windows nor creaks were situated in the space of your stay. Your tunic and trousers were still on, but your armor wasn't on you. Even your belts and belongings were gone. How did I get here?

The banging was becoming louder and louder. If this keeps up, your mind is going to explode. It was just too much to bear. Your try to sit down was left unsuccessful, as your limbs were dull and unresponsive. You attempted to toss your legs over the edge of - it was soft, so a bed was the most likely option - the bed, but they refused. The left one shook a little, but stayed still. Your right leg was just - not moving. It concerned you, as you didn't feel anything touching it.

The giddiness rolled in again, stronger than before. An anxious knot appeared in your stomach, sickness flowing through you. Everything felt so- unreal. You wanted to scream, break out, something. But your body declined, leaving you lie in this forsaken room, with no one around.

Your mind got hazy. You drifted off to sleep, unnerved, but exhausted.


Muted pounding resonated in the room. You woke up, startled by the noise. Your body was numb, but at least you could sit down without your head being all faint and feeble. The right leg was still reluctant to move. You remembered that a wound stroke the leg from knee to your side - you rolled down your pants, covered in stains of dried blood. Stitches linked the two sides of the injury. You moved closer, inspecting it, as the darkness obscured the details.

Your head snapped from the wounded leg, as another throb blasted between the walls. It wasn't as muted as before - it sounded more like metal clinging to stone. You pushed your trousers back up, looking for a weapon of some sort. Your eyes narrowed, as they adjusted to the dimness of the room. By your feet, a night table stood, resembling a crafting table, with a stick and flowers on it. Some chests lied in the corner, stacked beside and above themselves.

Your stretched, your back aching from the soreness, clutching the stick in your hands. It wasn't the best, but the one sharp pointy end could potentially defend you. Pebbles strewed from cracks in the walls, as something broke a piece of the cobble. Your eyes came shut, the light coming from the hole too bright to comprehend.

A veiled figure crawled through the creak, placing the stone back behind them. Darkness consumed you, your eyes too overwhelmed to adapt that quickly to the new ambience.

Familiar voice spoke, calm and calculated.

"Hello again, (y/n)." He stepped closer to you, white streak covering his glasses. You hesitated, not sure what to do.

"Wh-" Wilbur cut you off, before you could pour you questions out.

"Shh- You are surely confused, so I'll explain everything." He sat on the bed next to your legs, letting out a sigh.

"But before that... You need to tell me something." His head tilted, looking deeply into your eyes. You gulped, startled by your vulnerability. You had nothing on you- your weapons were gone, your potions, even your armor was stashed somewhere unknown to you.

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