Chapter 4 - Suspicion

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Your sheets were completely kicked out the bed, as you woke up. A normal routine begun - shower, brush teeth, change your clothes. The morning dullness slowly retreated, as you continued putting the clothes on. Today, you chose a black tunic with dark brown trousers. As for the armor, you took a damp rag and cleaned the blood stains off the armor, especially paying attention to the left arm where Quackity hit you with the arrow.

You walked towards the dirty pile of clothes in the corner, wanting to take them to the hotel lobby. As you reached for the pants, a similar object showed its outlines onto the wrinkles. You grabbed it from the pocket. Memories flew through your mind.

It was the chip that Quackity gave you yesterday. You instantly remembered his offer - he wanted to gamble in the evening. You'll need to make an excuse for your absence. Maybe he forgot too, as he surely didn't expect yesterday's interruption caused by you-

The book. Where's the book? You searched through your memory, trying to find the answer to your question. Where did you put it? Only thing that pops up is the rod. You didn't remember ever taking it off the string - it could've very much just fell off and you didn't notice it in the rush.

You picked up the belt in panic, hiding beneath your stained tunic. It needed some disentangling from other clothes, as the rod's string wrapped around the whole pile.

Moment of truth - is the book there? You rose the end of the string. The book was there, despite your quick and unplanned escape by the woods and water. It was still wet from the lake. The words were just blue smudges, covering the pages in weird blurred out scribbles.

You couldn't make anything from it, although you could still read some words. You hid it in your enderchest with a disappointed sigh. There were a lot of options of it's use, but only two or three made sense. Sam said that it was a powerful tool, dangerous in bad hands. Maybe it was some secret information? Or- even the revive book? Something told you that Quackity surely wouldn't just ask Sam about giving it back if it was the revival book. And where would they get the revive book in first place? Dream would never give it up, as it made him powerful and feared. Or you could be completely wrong. When you were visiting Dream in February, Sam had keycards to access some of the parts of the Prison. Maybe this could be it?

You shook your head, and went to the hotel lobby, holding the clothes. Your grip eased at the drop off area, where a basket was located, reserved for dirty clothes.

The Paradise could be clearly seen out of the window of the hotel. You finally got some interesting information - it was time to hand it over to Quackity's ex-biggest enemy- Wilbur.

The burger van showed up in the distance. You knew that if someone was watching, it still wasn't suspicious enough to just walk to the van. You were just checking it out, right? Trying to find secrets-

A person appeared in front of the vehicle, coming from one of the corners. His monochrome locks waved in the wind, partially covering his red and green eyes, with a crown on his head. The tall figure was wearing a black suit, white gloves covering his pointy hands, and a stained apron lied on the suit, preserving to not get oily smudges all over it. He was walking towards the van's doors, his tail swinging from side to side, while carrying a plastic tray covered in burger buns.

You reached the van right as Ranboo stepped inside of it, not noticing you. You followed him indoors, passing the beach umbrellas with red and white strips, beneath them beige deck chairs, that were looking quite comfortable.

He was quietly humming a melody while working, frying the meat on a pan. His hands moved quick and without no hesitation between the various ingredients, putting them together to create really good-looking burgers.

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