pain. unused text pog

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this is parts of the text I decided to not use, the later ones might even have some of the official text in them
btw at the end, I have some notes about (y/n)'s past and more


Something heavy was wrapped around you, creating a comforting warmth. You were lying on your left side, curled up, with some white fluff tickling you on your face. You never felt so safe and soothed. The only thing you wanted right now was to stay and never move.

The blanket suddenly fell off, the coziness disappearing, replaced by chilling cold. You shifted, your eyes opening to see the scene.

Techno squatted beside you, his hands fiddling with his red cloak and then throwing it behind him. Dream caught it, wrapping it around him like you before.

You sat up, feeling a bit dizzy. Your gaze ended up at your injured thigh, covered in sticky blood. You looked back at Techno, who's eyes locked on the blood covering your side, clearly amused.

"What." You spat at him, moving away and covering your wound by turning your left side at him. The pig hybrid stood up, heading towards Dream and sitting beside him. He picked up a book, lying on the floor, and started writing.

"At least a thank you could've been nice." Techno growled, not even moving his gaze at you.

Why would he- Why's he so nice?

You felt torn apart, confused by his actions. Every time you fought against him- He killed you twice- And now he was lending you his cloak?

"Hey Dream-" You squeaked, your throat sore. The person wrapped in the red cloth turned his head, gazing at you.

"Why's Techno here? And how- just- tell me what the fuck happened."


"I- I just appeared. Something pulled me to this specific place-" The ghost had a hard time explaining, but I understood what they meant.

"Hmm, I see." I nodded, looking into the sun.

Both of us remained silent.

(Y/n), I hav- Oh sorry- Ghost(y/n), I have a question. Do you remember- Pogtopia?" I played with the lem of my coat, twisting the stiff fabric in my fingers.

"Pogtopia? Well, I-" Ghost(y/n) stopped mid sentence, digging through their mind. "There was Tommy- and you- or like Wilbur- Techno-"

"Do you remember our- deal?" I knew from stories from others that for instance, Ghostbur had a strong amnesia. Maybe this counted for other ghosts too?

"I- what deal? We had a deal?" The spirit blinked in confusion, raising their head from the dandelion.

They don't remember.

"What can you recall- at least?"

"I remember-" Their voice cracked. "Dream. Purpled. And-" They furrowed their eyebrows, trying to think of anything else. "I can't-"

"It's fine- it's fine, okay?" I tried to soothe the sobbing ghost. They gave a weak whimper as my hands flew through them. My plan to hug them was left failed.

"Like- there's some hazed memories of talking to Wilbur and then J- Jschlatt? And Quackity- and Dream." Ghost(y/n) said after a little pause. "But the happiest are with Dream and Purpled."

With Dream? Was (y/n) with Dream before the whole SMP or something?

"That's- fairly


You rapidly brought out the spare axe and walked closer to Dream.

A wave of sick joy plunged through you as your ex-bestfriend froze in place. He gave out a shaky breath and stepped back. You could almost feel his eyes locking on the weapon in your hand.

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