Chapter 6

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The ride home felt better than before as this time, he did go as slow as he could. Why? That's because he actually didn't want to be parted with you this soon but it is already quite late. "Ah stop here.." you tapped his back as he soon stopped at the side of the road. "Here is fine.." you are getting off from his bike. "Why here? It's alright, I could just drop you off right in front of your house... " he saw how you shook your head. "I-it's fine.. My parents are a bit strict.. I don't want to cause any scenes if they saw me back this late with a boy.." you smiled weakly as you handed him back the helmet and just when you were about to take off the jacket, he stopped you. "Keep it on at least.. Are you sure you will be alright walking alone?", you couldn't help but end up blushed lightly. You never thought a delinquent could be this nice. "It's not that far.. Only 3 houses from here... Thank you for dropping me home..", you politely bowed before rushing parting away with him. Baji didn't leave immediately, he stayed there watching until he saw you went inside one of the houses. He sighed as he still seems not to realize yet what kind of feelings he has currently. The feeling that made him couldn't even think clearly when you are around. He stayed for a couple more minutes before turning his bike on and took his leave when he received a call from Chifuyu, it seems like tonight they have to talk about their next fight.

You heard the sounds of his bike slowly getting further. You sighed as you opened the door of your house. "I'm home..Hm?" your eyes saw a pair of familiar boots. "You are late, y/n.. Where have you been- That... Whose jacket is that?", heard the familiar voices, your eyes looked up at him "Shuji? What are you doing here this late? Ah this.. It's my friend's jacket, I went to a study group today..". "Hmm.. Why didn't you ask me to pick you up? Next time just tell me to pick you up. It's late and you are weak.. " Hanma glanced at the jacket before looking back at you, he seemed sort of annoyed. "Yes yes~ Ah geez.. Stop worrying too much, you aren't my parents.. Then what brings you here?" you rolled your eyes as you took off your shoes, your childhood friend's Shuji Hanma sometimes really likes nagging you. "You forgot? Unbelievable. Since your so-called caretaker ain't gonna be here tonight, you asked ME to be here.", you gasped as you totally forgot about that. You come from quite a rich family, which meant your parents could be said never to have been around. Thus, they give you a substitute, a nanny to keep eyes on you. You quickly cling to his arm "Aigoo~ I was just kidding! Of course I remember~ How about I share with you the cream puff I've been saving up for?". Of course you lied, you don't remember at all but admitting it will only make him pissed and you don't want your childhood friend to be pissed since he could be really scary when he is being mean. Just when his mood lightened up, his phone rang. "...Dammit..Listen, y/n. I got to go for an hour or two. Stay home and DO NOT open the door to anyone, got it?"He looked at you with a serious face as you just nodded your head obediently, but you still cling to his arm " it your gang again? Can't you just...skip it for tonight? Shuji.. I have bad feelings about this". He sighed as he pulled his arm away and patted your head "Moebius is important to me too. I won't be long..". 'Moebius.. Ah.. That's the gang name I heard today too...', you are curious but it seems you are smart enough to hold your tongue and just watch him leave your house. Locking the door, you somehow have a bad feeling about how you now get tangled between these two gangs. 

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