Chapter 13

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Since that day you stopped talking to Baji and he also stopped looking for you. Now you start hanging with Hanma more than before, you even end up joining Walhalla yourself. Since that day, you have lost yourself. Everyone in Walhalla called you Lily, because you kept refusing to be called by your name. Hanma? He did worry about you but he preferred the broken you as long as it made you stay with him. Since you've been around Hanma too much, you've been hearing whatever they're planning for the Bloody Hallowen. "Hanma, you will help Kazutora kill Baji", hearing that sure shocked you. As much as you hate him, you won't be able to handle it if you saw him get killed. After all, you haven't moved on from him. You were about to protest the plan but you decided to shut your mouth and just sit obediently while listening to them. After hearing everything, you try your best to not let your emotions take the best of you. "Let's rest for today.. Make sure we all are ready for tomorrow. Lily.. Let's head back", you heard Hanma wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulling you close to him. "Mhm..", you gave him your usual empty cold smile. Letting him drive you back home, he grab your hand when you get off of his bike "Y/n... Tomorrow, don't come.. It will probably be too much for you". You were silent for a moment before nodding your head "Mhm.. I understand.. Good night, Shuji..". You pull away your hand as you head inside your house. Once in your room, you throw yourself on the bed. Tears back running down your cheeks, you don't know what to do. Should you call Baji and tell him about everything? Will he even believe you? You saw the last time he looked at you, there is hatred in his eyes for some reason and you are too hurt to even talk things out with him. Seeing him bring back about how he kissed another girl behind your back and everytime you remember that, your heart breaks once again.

You know you are not supposed to be there but you did end up coming anyway. Of course no one noticed you with a mask and hoodie covering you, you blended in with the rest of Walhalla's members. You could feel your heart racing like crazy. You aren't even sure what kind of feelings you are having right now. Anxious? Scared? Nervous? You could feel like you are about to vomit just by the thought a fight will break soon. What you have to do is avoid any sort of fight and just focus on running away while hiding. You could see now how everyone started beating each other. An hour has passed, you've been running around. Why? First, you didn't know how to fight. Second, you are looking for Baji. It took you long until you spotted him being held down by Takemichi. Your eyes widened as you saw Kazutora and Hanma not far from Baji. You ran as fast you could, your eyes glued to him. Praying you would make it in time.

'Please god.. Please!!!', you could feel how it hurt your thighs and your feet, your chest tightened as you ran and jumped around to make it in time. You took off your mask, so you could breathe better. You feel tears welling up in your eyes, running with all your might while praying deep inside.

Your eyes meet his, you could see how shocked he is when he spotted you. He could feel your smaller body tackling him as he caught you. Your eyes widened, you could feel something sharp piercing your back and your torso. Yet instead of screaming in pain, you looked up at him with a relieved expression. Cough up some blood, you sighed in relief "..I..made time..Thank god..". Everyone there was shocked when they saw you. "I..think..I need a bit of rest..gosh..I hate..running" you chuckled weakly as you could feel your body start losing strength. Baji quickly gets hold of your body and starts to shout, "AMBULANCE! CALL AMBULANCE!!! SHE IS DYING!". While both Hanma and Kazutora were in shock, the rest of toman came to cover for both you and Baji. "What the hell do you think you are doing?! Are you crazy?! Don't you fucking dare close your eyes!" You could hear and see how panicked he was. 'Ah.. I miss him..' you thought to yourself as you just stare at him with your heavy eyes. "Ba...ji..san.. I'm..sleepy.." you mumbled as your breath got slower each minute. "Don't you fucking dare close those eyes, y/n..." his tears streaming down his cheeks. " me by't..cry, Baji-san.." your cold hand weakly reached his cheek, trying to wipe his tears away. "How long until the ambulance comes?!" he looked up at his friend desperately before back looked at you, his other hand squeezed the hand of yours that was trying to wipe his tears away. "It will come in 5 minutes, Baji. We also should leave, the police will soon be here too..", Draken answered him as he grabbed Baji's shoulder. He shook his head as he kept holding you close. "You guys, should leave... I'm staying-" he then could feel your finger poke his cheek. A sweet smile could be seen on your pale face "..go..I'm..okay....You..owe me..some tako..". Your eyes then looked up at Draken, "Please..take..him". You spoke weakly as you started wheezing. It took Draken, Mikey, and Mitsuya to pull Baji away from you. Mikey ended up knocking Baji out so they could drag him before the police arrived. You sighed laying there, staring at the sky that started to get cloudy. You then feel someone scooped you and held you close. It was Hanma, it seems he got his consciousness back. "Why.. I told you not to come.. Why did you come.." he cried his eyes out. " him, shuji...You..should go too...the police.." you mumbled weakly. He shook his head, "I don't care.. I'm staying. I will fucking kill you if you die, y/n". "...weirdo.." you mumbled before your eyes closed. 

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