Chapter 7

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The next day at school, you saw how different Baji is and it still sort of baffled you. Him with those thick glasses and looked all nerdy. Him like this looked more approachable from your point of view. Again he asked for your help to study but this time you two agreed to study at the library since yesterday you pretty much covered math, and biology isn't that hard of subject. "I see.. So that's what those bees are for.. I never thought making flowers could also be that complicated..", you couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "It is.. Ah, have you found what books you are going to write about for literature class?", you saw him nod his head. "I choose this", he pulled two books out from his bag. You blinked a few times, feeling a bit surprised with the books he chose. You covered your mouth trying to calm yourself, 'How to take care of cats: What and What not to do? The other one is.. Cats Behaviours: Everything About Cats You Must Know. CUTE! Is he really a delinquent???'. You find it hard to believe, someone like him would choose books like this. "W-what is it? Don't tell me we aren't allowed to use these books? Do we have to choose something from history?" He looked and sounded worried when he saw you stare at his books for quite long. Shook your head, you couldn't help but end up giggled "No.. It's just.. I never thought you would choose these books. I thought you would choose something like, bikes or something like a war thingy like the rest of the boys. Baji-san, you like cats? Hm? Baji-san?".

-Baji's POV-

He is glad that she accepted his request to help him study again. The times he saw and heard her giggled, he could feel again his heart racing. That sight made him freeze, he stared at her from behind his glasses. Making sure to burn the image in front of him, making sure his brain records it to rewind it later. Little did he know, there was a faint blush on his cheek. The only thing that pulled him back to reality was her voice, "..... Baji-san, you like cats? Hm? Baji-san?". He barely heard what she said before, took him a couple of seconds to react "A-ah yes! I really like cats.. They're kinda cute.. Anyway, what books do you choose?". He tried his best to act normally. He could feel her stare like studying his expression. He is glad when he sees her stop staring at his face and decides to show him the books she has chosen. "What a weird scrabbles on this cover???", He took the book as he opened page by page ".....This..isn't in Japanese??? English?". He saw her shook her head "That is French..I only found them in English and French.. This is one of the books that explains about Lily the most..". Again he heard that soft laugh of her, he didn't know why she laughed and he obviously didn't care why, 'I don't know what she meant but.. I wish this study would last longer...'.

-End of Baji's POV-

You felt his stare as you cleared your throat, you know he probably found it so nerdy and weird for the topic you've chosen. Yet you find it funny the way he looked at the book with an expression that scared him and how confused he is. You noticed how he was at least trying his best to show interest by looking at those pictures, "This one rose right?". He looked at you with that innocent look. "Mhm..Oh you know, like each flower has meaning and history about them.. For example, red roses have a meaning for longing, desire, or love.. Don't you think it's romantic? Ah then this flower..", somehow you start to get excited explaining them one by one. That brought a smile to him, he didn't really get what you were talking about so excitedly but saw how serious and happy you were explaining it to him, he found it adorable. Finally realised how too excited you are, you quickly stopped yourself and somehow felt embarrassed "A-ah.. Sorry.. I must sound weird.. A-anyway.. It's a really interesting book..". You could feel your face turning red as you looked away from him. "What's your favourite? I meant the flower..", he asked as he handed you the book back. "A-a white lily and carnations.. They're my favourite.. What about you, Baji-san?" You glance at him. His brain made sure to take note of this new information, he didn't have any favorite flowers as for him, all flowers are just flowers "I never really thought of it.. But I guess as long as it smells nice? Something like jasmine, it goes well with tea right?". You just chuckled hearing that answer but nodded your head "Jasmine do smell nice and they're cute too..". Little did you know, that sure took damage on his heart, 'No you are cuter! Good choices me and thank you jasmine!'. Hours passed as you two pretty much spent the time talking rather than study since there is nothing much to study anyway.

Since that day you two start to get closer. Sometimes he will bring you to hangout with his gang and sometimes you even sneak out at night with him, just to eat some peyoung or just to chat somewhere.You even showed him the little garden at your house that you've been working on.

Months passed as you were waiting for him now at a nearby shrine wearing a yukata. It's summer august 9 and he has asked you to go to a nearby festival. Nervous? Of course you are! After so many months passed, you realised you have a crush on him. At first you are in denial about it but after seeing every side of him and getting to know him more, you couldn't help falling deeper and just accept the fact you are in love with this boy. "Sorry, I'm late.. I'm helping mom a bit.." he ran to you as you chuckled lightly. "It's alright.. I just arrived here too..", you lied as you've been waiting for almost an hour.

-Baji's POV-

'Ah shit shit! I'm late!' he cussed inside his head as he rode his bike as fast as he could. He knew she was probably already waiting long. He parked his bike somewhere nearby and ran to the shrine entrance, there he saw her standing waiting. "Sorry, I'm late.. I'm helping mom a bit..", he tried catching his breath but soon he felt like his breath was taken away when he clearly saw her, especially when he saw her smiling like that "It's alright.. I just arrived here too..". He gulped as he couldn't help but baffled when saw her in that yukata. It suits her well, the bright blue with flower pattern and her hair neatly put into a bun. It took him a long time to mutter something. 'Damn.. Is she always this beautiful? Compliment her, stupid! Tell her how pretty and beautiful she is'. He clenched his fists as he looked her right into her eyes, "Yukata.. You.. beaurrty.. And awesome". Ah how he wanted to punch himself. He couldn't even say it properly since he is too nervous, his brain refuses to work properly, he couldn't even choose if he should say she is beautiful or pretty and end up just mashed the words together. 'Idiot! Just say she is beautiful and asked which stands she wanted to go first', again he tried "Which stands are beautiful?". That's it, he really wants to throw himself off the cliff now.

-End of Baji's POV-

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