Update on a VERY old post
That old classmate from primary who it turns out is trans and her mum is a dickhead terf? Mum met her again recently and sent me their deviantart name
They're a steven universe fan which. Cringe but her art is pretty good and they seem chill. Dont rlly know what to make of her as a person but i guess im just updating this cos mum being 'its just a phase' transphobic made it hard to know their name and pronouns and its nice to be able to hear/read it from the horses mouth
Hope they're doing alright and she grows out of her su phase and enjoys media that represents her properly.
I havent seem anyone else from my primary school pretty much since i left so its...nice to see where someone is right now. Idk. Just a small life update
I pee in my pants sometimes when i get nervous
RandomOh woopsie doo that was just a poo