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"You don't look so great, my friend," Kazuha leaned over the trash pile to see a body lying there. At first, he couldn't distinguish if it was an android or a human. It had been popular nowadays to get an android, customize it, and then throw it out when the next model came along. Perhaps that was what happened to this fellow. 

"You would've been a very expensive chap to throw away," Kazuha knelt down and grabbed his arm, pulling him up to his feet to carry him. "You're surprisingly light. I hope you don't mind me saying so." Kazuha carried him back to his apartment and threw him in the tub. 

"Excuse me," Kazuha lightly tapped his face. "You must be in a pretty deep sleep but I'm afraid I can't allow you to sleep in a bed until you've gotten a bit cleaner. I hope you understand," Kazuha apologized. "You did just come from a trash pile. I would clean you myself but...I'm not sure if you're okay with that." Kazuha got some clothes together and left them on the counter in the bathroom with a note and a spare towel. 


Kazuha rolled onto his side. He smelled the soft scent of almonds and opened his eyes to see the stranger from the night before lying in his bed. He was naked but clean. Kazuha sat up and stretched, wiping his eyes, not sure if he was seeing what he was seeing. 

He stepped out of his bed and went into the kitchen. Opening the cabinet, he realized, once again, that he had little food to offer. Nothing in the fridge either. A white cat meowed at his feet. "Sorry, my friend, but I don't even have another can of cat food at the moment," Kazuha apologized, picking up the cat. "I shall get you something on my way home, I promise." The cat meowed in appreciation and booped Kazuha's nose with his. 


Kazuha turned to see the stranger. He held the cat close and tried very hard not to look down. The stranger was still naked, after all. 

"Ah, yes, I am." 

"I thank thee for allowing me into your abode," the stranger bowed slightly. "I shall leave in a fortnight." 

"Take your time," Kazuha smiled slightly. "I don't have much to offer but I can't send you out onto the street." 

"I require no mortal sustenance," he insisted, even though his stomach growled. 

"It sounds as if you enjoy it, however," Kazuha chuckled lightly and released the white cat into the world. "I will try to procure some sustenance on my way home from work." 

"There is no need, I will hunt," he placed his hand on his chest, determined. 


"I will fetch us some fish. I'm quite good with a spear." 

"You need a license to fish in most areas..." 

"I am a yaksha, not a human, they can try to force rules onto me but I am not of this world," he crossed his arms, looking pleased with himself. 

"Oh dear," Kazuha brought his hand up to his brow. "You might find yourself in prison at this rate." 

"Do you not wish for me to bring you fish?" he glanced down at the ground dejected. 

"I would love for you to bring me fish," Kazuha insisted. "We need to get you a license or acquainted with a fishing boat first though." Kazuha didn't quite understand why he felt the need to console this stranger. "My name is Kazuha." 



"Xiao," he emphasized further." 

"I'm sorry, it will take a bit of practice," Kazuha apologized. "It took me quite a while before I could speak English without an accent as well..." 

"You may call me what you wish," Xiao offered. 

"I will practice," Kazuha insisted. 

"Hm," Xiao nodded. 

"If you'll excuse me," Kazuha brushed by to go back to his room and change. He stood in front of his mirror and adjusted his collar before moving his hair into a small side ponytail. 

Kazuha nearly jumped out of his skin when Xiao opened the door. He wasn't completely dressed. He hadn't buttoned up his shirt or put pants on yet. 

"Uhm..." Kazuha let out a small yelp as Xiao stepped forward and moved his hands to Kazuha's shirt. "You are very comfortable with your nudity." 

"There is nothing unnatural about being naked," Xiao buttoned Kazuha's shirt for him. 

Kazuha chuckled slightly. 

"Did I say something amusing?" 

"No, sorry, you reminded me of an old friend. He was also quite comfortable in his own skin." 

"Is that so?" 

"I...uhm..." Kazuha stepped back and grabbed his pants. "I better be going." 

"I shall be here when you return," Xiao bowed slightly once again. 

My Yaksha [Build a Boyfriend Series Part 3]Where stories live. Discover now