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Xiao rested on a table hooked up to various wires and things joined to multiple monitors. Albedo bobbed his leg up and down as he bit his thumb's nail, staring at the screens. "This doesn't make any sense. This just doesn't..." he muttered, heavy bags under his eyes. 

"Is he going to be okay?" Childe hadn't slept either. He sat on the edge of a chair in the same room with Zhongli standing behind him. 

"You should try and get some sleep," Zhongli placed his hand on Childe's shoulder. 

"Thanks..." Childe placed his hand over Zhongli's and stared up at him. "But I don't think that's possible." 

"This is a very odd collection of people," Kaeya walked in with a tray of various mugs filled with coffee. He walked around and offered everyone a mug. He had been the only person who had slept comfortably last night. Kazuha sat up from lying down on the floor to grab the mug. His head was still swarming with different trains of thought. 

"This is the second time I have had to watch someone lie on their death bed," Kazuha muttered. 

"I'm sorry," Childe sympathized. "I know we don't really have anything to do with each other but I do understand..." 

"....?" Kazuha said nothing and simply drank his coffee. Zhongli, feeling uncomfortable, took a step back behind Childe and leaned up against the wall, crossing his arms. He was once again becoming increasingly aware of the fact the only reason he knew Childe was because he was some sort of android substitute. 

"You all realize this is a machine, don't you?" Kaeya blurted out, earning him a glare from Kazuha and Childe, and a questionable glance from Zhongli. Albedo was too focused on the screen to turn his attention away. 

Albedo lifted one hand and gestured for Kaeya to come over to him. Kaeya did, of course, and for the first time in almost twenty-four full hours, Albedo looked up at something other than a computer screen. He grabbed Kaeya's chin and dragged his face down to his eye level. "You are so damn lucky you're handsome because I would really love to punch you in the dick," he snapped, somewhat grouchy and somewhat in an attempt to defend his life's work. He let go of Kaeya's face and went back to staring at the screen.

"Xiao is not like any competitor's model I have seen before," Albedo started speaking, typing away on the keyboard. "He is too sophisticated. It's almost as if..." Albedo slammed his hands down on the desk and stood up, his chair pushing back and spinning in circles behind him. He moved to another computer and pulled up cameras to his basement. Lurking there, was a multitude of android bodies. Specifically, the ones that had to be recalled. 

"Oh my god..." Childe had to cover his mouth to keep himself from vomiting. He felt sick to his stomach seeing so many Zhongli-models sprawled out on top of each other. 

"That is...unsettling..." Zhongli turned his gaze elsewhere. The androids had nothing to do with him and yet somehow felt like they had everything to do with him. Out of all the models...why did the one based on him have to go so drastically wrong? 

"One is missing..." 

"How can you tell that?" Kaeya asked. "Actually, you know what, don't tell me I don't want to know." 

"Then that means..." Childe stared at Xiao. "I have no idea what that means. What does that mean Albedo?" 

"Kaeya give me your wallet," Albedo held out his hand. 


"Just give it to me," Albedo stared. Kaeya put his hand into his pocket and gave Albedo his wallet. The blonde snatched it and placed it against Xiao's face. The android's eyes opened and he sat up. 

My Yaksha [Build a Boyfriend Series Part 3]Where stories live. Discover now