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"What are you doing?" Kazuha gasped, being pushed into the wall. Xiao's hands were on either side of his head with his face incredibly close. 

"If I cannot hunt for you I shall serve you in other ways to show my gratitude." 

"That's not necessary..." 

"Am I not your type?" 

"That has nothing to do with it." 

"I have not been in very many households prior to this but they were never so reluctant." 

"You've been pleading to stay with people...?" 

"Mm," Xiao nodded. "Many of them kick me out due to various reasons. For some reason, they never just speak to me. I must always wake up in a trashcan or a trash pile or a dumpster." 

"They must think you're an android," Kazuha lifted his hand to Xiao's face and cupped his cheek. 

"Do you not think I am an android?" 

"If you are one, you are very well programmed." Kazuha did initially think that Xiao was an android after their first interaction. But now it was hard to tell. He'd never really interacted with androids before since he considered them a bit odd. The day he was going to try and save up for one, he heard from a friend of a friend that a friend had purchased one, fallen in love, and had that purchase ripped away. Kazuha wasn't sure he could handle that if he'd gotten attached to one. 


"Sorry, I got lost in thought," Kazuha lowered his hand and pushed Xiao away gently. "I am a firm believer in treating androids the same as I would a person. So, there is no need for you to do this." 

"I am offering. I don't wish to owe debts." 

"Then why don't you do my housekeeping for me?" Kazuha suggested. "You can clean, do laundry, and wash dishes." 

"Is that sufficient?" Xiao crossed his arms. "Surely that is not sufficient..." 

"Yes," Kazuha nodded. "Of course it is, why..." Xiao stepped forward, cutting Kazuha off by grabbing his face and pulling it towards his. He stopped just before kissing him when Kazuha lifted his hand to cover Xiao's lips. 

"I'm sorry, I can't-" Kazuha covered his eyes with his hands and crouched down on the ground, breathing in deeply. He couldn't stop himself from crying. 

"I apologize, I didn't mean to distress you..." Xiao sat down in front of Kazuha and placed his hand on his head. 

"It's not your fault..." Kazuha assured, unable to stop himself from crying altogether. 

"It might as well be. You would not be crying if I were not here." 

"I would be crying either way," Kazuha sighed and laid down on the floor. Xiao lifted his head and put it on his lap. He leaned over and stared into Kazuha's eyes. Kazuha's face flushed just a tad, remembering the fact Xiao didn't wear clothes. 



"You're naked still, aren't you?" Kazuha closed his eyes to try and avoid thinking about it. Instead, images came to his mind he would rather ignore. 

"I am not wearing fabrics on my body, no." 

"That makes this a bit..." 

"Would you prefer if I did?" 

Kazuha remained silent. "You may do whatever makes you most comfortable." Kazuha began to sit up but Xiao grabbed his shoulders and pushed him back down. 

"There is sadness on your face. Do I make you sad?" 

"No," Kazuha placed his palm on his face, covering it, trying not to cry again. "It's not you that makes me sad." 

"Then what?" 

"Memories. Memories make me sad. I cannot be close to you without being reminded of the person I wish to be close to." 

"Would you elaborate? Of course, only if you wish it." 

"I had a friend...well, something of a friend," Kazuha lowered his hand and looked Xiao in the eyes. "He was my roommate but..." 

"Did something happen to him?" 

"He died, in surgery." 

"I see." 

"It wasn't very long ago so...no, even if it was, I don't think I would be able to forget him so easily," Kazuha sighed and rolled over onto his side. Xiao ran his fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes, feeling a bit more relaxed, and dozed off. 

Don't you think...it's time you moved on?

Kazuha's eyes snapped open again. He sat up and looked around. He rubbed his eyes and then held his ears, curling up into a ball. "I don't want to," he said. "I don't want to," he repeated. Xiao held out his hand, unsure of what to do, but scooted closer and hugged him. He held him as he repeated those words, rocking back and forth. 

"Don't make me," Kazuha pleaded. "Don't make me..." 

My Yaksha [Build a Boyfriend Series Part 3]Where stories live. Discover now