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"You really do come by here quite a bit," Xiao observed, watching Childe place his beverage on the counter. 

"Yeah, unfortunately," he chuckled a bit awkwardly. 

"Why do you look so sad most of the time?" 

"I..." Childe glanced away and went behind the counter to sit in the chair beside the register. 

"I don't think you are allowed back here but I shall allow it," Xiao nodded. 

"I fell in love with an android I purchased while drunk," Childe held his head in his hands and hunched over, resting his elbows on his knees. "I haven't really talked about this to anyone before." 

"I shall allow it," Xiao nodded again. "Feel free to continue," he said, while gesturing with his hand. 

"The guy I fell in love with broke things off with me. We were casual but I started to catch feelings, that made him uncomfortable. So I would go out and get drunk a lot, and then come home feeling all sorry for myself. One of those nights, I made the purchase. I forgot all about it until he came in the mail." 

"What happened to this android?" Xiao found himself curious. 

"It was recalled because of some internal error. They didn't fix it, instead gave me a refund. I still don't know what happened to him or why whatever happened happened." 

"You haven't been able to find someone else?" 

"Not exactly," Childe laughed and sat up, leaning back in the chair and opening his drink. "I found the person that the company used as a model for the android." 

"Did you fall for him?" 

Childe smiled but didn't reply. 

"I see..." Xiao nodded again. "I wish you happiness, Tartaglia." 

Childe's eyes widened. "How did you-" 

Xiao's eyes closed and he fell to the ground. Childe grabbed his shoulders and shook him lightly. "Xiao?!" he spoke. "Xiao!" 

The chime for the door rang as Kazuha entered the store. He ran behind the counter and went to Xiao. "What happened to him?" 

"I don't know- I don't-" Childe reached into his pocket and searched through his phone for Albedo's number. After realizing that the two weren't exactly friends...he called Kaeya for the first time in months. "Please pick up, please pick up, please pick up," Childe chanted. 

"His body is so cold..." Kazuha checked for a pulse but found nothing. He leaned his ear up against Xiao's chest for a heartbeat...also nothing. It was then that he remembered that androids were only as realistic as humans once they were turned on. "I don't...is he?" Kazuha knew Xiao might be something other than human but he had no idea how to do first aid for anything other than a human. 

"Goddamnit Kaeya!" Childe yelled at his phone. "I need you to answer your fucking phone for once in your goddamn life!" he snapped. 

"That certainly is a new way to greet someone," Kaeya's voice spoke through the phone. "How long have you been holding that one in?" 

"Kaeya...oh thank fuck...is Albedo with you?" 

"What exactly do you need with-" 

"Just answer the fucking question please!" 

There was shuffling on the other side of the phone and a new voice spoke: "Would you stop harassing Kaeya? What do you want?" 

"That convenience store...with the cashier you thought was an android. He broke down...can you-" 

"Bring him here." There was a click and the phone call ended. Childe stared at his phone in disbelief. 

"How the hell am I supposed to...?" 

"Please..." Kazuha stared up at Childe. "Please help me." 

Childe knelt down and threw Xiao's arm over his shoulder, trying to get him to his feet enough for him to carry him completely. "I really should've continued going to the gym..." he wheezed. Kazuha went to the other side and assisted in carrying Xiao. 

"Where do we take him?" Kazuha's mind whirred. "Hospital? Mechanic? Supernatural expert?" 

"The C.E.O. of Liyue products."

"How do you-" 

"It's complicated." 

My Yaksha [Build a Boyfriend Series Part 3]Where stories live. Discover now