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"What is this blasted thing?" Xiao slammed his hand against the microwave behind the counter. He'd managed to get a job at a convenience store but he still wasn't sure about technology. It all seemed a bit strange. Sure, he should know how to work it, theoretically, but the only thing close to any of this in his memories was a magical oven. 

"Excuse me," a voice spoke from behind the counter. Xiao turned around sharply. "Are you trying to pick a fight with the microwave?" 

"I was not attempting to attack it," Xiao eyed the man up and down. He was a bit tall and lanky. Muscular in some places but lacking in others. His orange hair was a mess. 

"You talk in a way that's very similar to..." he shook his head and placed his drinks on the counter for purchasing. 

"To?" Xiao grabbed the drinks to scan the labels. This was at least the single thing he learned how to do. Staring at the screen he frowned. "Why does the tiny box refute me so?" 

"Uhm," the man suppressed a laugh and leaned over the counter to point at the buttons Xiao needed to push. "My name is Childe, by the way," he introduced himself. 

"Xiao," he pointed to his nametag. 

"I come here a lot so...you'll probably get tired of seeing my face if this is your new normal shift." 

"Your face is..." Xiao stared, holding his chin for a moment. "Tolerable." 


"I apologize, it's just I have a specific taste and when I wake up staring at something I find beautiful every day, other people simply cannot compare." 

"Surprisingly, I think I know what you mean." 

"Excuse me..." the door opened again and a blonde male walked in. He stared at Childe, glanced at Xiao, and then stared at Childe again. 

"Do you two know each other?" Xiao asked. 

"He..." the blonde crossed the aisle and picked up a couple of protein bars before placing them on the counter. "Is my boyfriend's ex." 

Xiao said nothing and scanned the items. Childe scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and shifted his weight back and forth between feet. 

"What model are you?" 

"Albedo you can't really-" 

"I am the leading creator of androids, I think I can ask questions about the competition if I so choose," Albedo snapped. 

"I'm not..." Xiao stared. 

"You most certainly ar-" 

"Sorry about him," Childe grabbed Albedo's arm and dragged him out of the store by force. He fought tooth and nail but didn't quite make it. 

"I'm not..." Xiao held his hand up to his forehead and sighed. "That can't be..." 


Kazuha returned to find an empty apartment. Xiao didn't have anything except his original clothes and those were still here so...that should be fine right? "He wouldn't just leave without saying anything..." Kazuha told himself. 

He held his face in his hands and sighed, pushing his hair back and adjusting his ponytail. He sat on his bed and stared at his hands briefly before closing his eyes. Memories returned. Sickness. Sadness. Kazuha opened his eyes once again. "I wonder how long it's been...since I've been able to sleep properly alone?" 

"Kazuha," there was a knock on the door. "I don't have keys and I would rather not break your door." 

Kazuha stood up and went to the door. He opened it to see Xiao in a uniform that looked rather strange on him. He covered his mouth with his hand, trying not to laugh. 

"Are you laughing at me?" Xiao frowned, entering the apartment. 

"No, yes, sorry, it's just...you don't look right for this at all," he chuckled again. "I told you didn't have to get a job." 

"I can't just sit around and do nothing. It felt odd," Xiao stripped out of his uniform and Kazuha hurried to close the door. He leaned up against it, face turning a slight shade of pink. 

"Must you always strip the first chance you get?" 

"It wouldn't be so awkward for you if you were also naked." 

"I have strong doubts about that." 

"Hm," Xiao shrugged. "Suit yourself." 

"Will you at least tell me where you work?" Kazuha asked. 

"Why does it matter? Are there that many places with this uniform around?" Xiao held the folded clothes in his hands. 

"I would at least like to pick you up from your shifts...but I can understand if you would rath-" 

Xiao covered Kazuha's mouth with his hand. He moved his face close to Kazuha's and pressed his lips against the back of his hand. Kazuha's eyes widened. Xiao stepped back and moved his hand from Kazuha's mouth to cup his face. "I like you. I am sure you're aware." 

"I'm not ready for-" 

"I know," Xiao nodded. "But, I felt that if I didn't tell you now, I would never be able to." 

"What does that-" 

"A customer told me I was an android." 

"Are you an android?" 

"I didn't think I was." 

"Then," Kazuha cupped Xiao's face with his hands and kissed his forehead. "You are nothing but my yaksha from another world." 

"Thank you," Xiao closed his eyes and smiled.  

My Yaksha [Build a Boyfriend Series Part 3]Where stories live. Discover now