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The scent of maple and the sight of a purple scarf. His hair pulled up and his robe dangling off his shoulders. A white kitten climbed his leg and rested on his head. "Kazuha." 

"Tomo..." Kazuha reached out his hand to grab him. He hugged him from behind and rested his head on his shoulder. "I miss you." 

"I miss you too." 

"When we meet again, do you think you'll still recognize me?" 

"I know I will, Kazuha." 


"It's time to forget about me." He grabbed Kazuha's hands and moved them from him. He turned around and rested his forehead against Kazuha's. "You can't keep living your life in the past." 

"But my heart is with you," Kazuha felt tears move down his cheeks. 

"I know." He cupped Kazuha's face in his hands and wiped his tears with his thumbs. "But you have to stop being sad and start smiling again." 


"Kazuha," Xiao placed his hand on Kazuha's forehead to move his fringe out of the way. He leaned over him and stared into his eyes. "Are you okay?" 

"I had a dream that filled me with nostalgia," Kazuha explained, grabbing Xiao's hand and moving it to his cheek. He closed his eyes, trying to go back to sleep, but he knew the moment was gone. Tomo wasn't coming back. 

"Kazuha," Xiao spoke. 


"I'm going to get a job." 

"What?" Kazuha's eyes snapped open. "You don't have to do that." 

"If you won't accept my body then I should do something else to help. Folding your laundry doesn't feel like a lot." 

"Okay..." Kazuha sat up. "If you really feel like you need to get a job to be productive then I suppose you can. I could use the money. No- I, I didn't mean it like that. I'm not going to take your money, obviously, I just meant..." Kazuha sighed, holding his face in his hands. 

"I am getting the job to help you," Xiao grabbed Kazuha's hands and lowered them from his face. 

"I know. I'm sorry..." Kazuha stared up at Xiao. He noticed now that Xiao was wearing clothes this time. "Isn't that the outfit I found you in?" he pointed. "I don't think you'd get a job in something like that..." Kazuha's eyes drifted to Xiao's shoulders. He noticed the green designs along his arms for the first time. "Oh..." Kazuha reached out and touched one, tracing it. Almost entranced by it. 

"Do you like them?" 

"Sorry," Kazuha pulled his hand back but Xiao grabbed it and put it back on his arm. 

"I don't mind." 

Kazuha knelt on the bed and grabbed Xiao's arms, moving them to his body, forcing him to hug him, in a way. "Please...hold me?" 

Xiao pushed him close and held him. His body shook in Xiao's arms. He hid his face in the crook of his neck. "You don't smell like maple.... he muttered. 

"What do I smell like?" 


"Do you not like almonds?" 

"Of all the nuts, I'm not sure that they are my favorite..." Kazuha replied. He blushed a bit, realizing how that could've been interpreted. 

"Your ears turn red when you're flustered," Xiao pressed his finger on the top of Kazuha's ear. 

"You'll make me more flustered," Kazuha hid his face further. 

"I don't mind closeness." 

"That's good. I very much enjoy the closeness." 

"You're not very interested in sexual closeness, are you?" 

"I wouldn't say that...but I suppose I am rather fond of platonic or sensual intimacy more." Kazuha paused for a moment. "I never got...he was sick. I watched him slowly get worse and worse. So we never..." 

"Shhhhh," Xiao pet Kazuha's head to soothe him. "I understand." 

"Thank you...for being here." 

"You picked me up."          

"Yes, I know, but..." 

"But nothing. You picked me up and have given me a place to stay much longer than the rest." 

"It's only been a few days." 

"But I know that you will let me stay months." 

"You do?" 

"I can feel it." 

"Well," Kazuha chuckled. "You're probably right." 

My Yaksha [Build a Boyfriend Series Part 3]Where stories live. Discover now