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"You two are still together?" Albedo asked, not meaning to be rude but somehow always managing to come off like that. Kazuha, Albedo, Kazuha, and Xiao all managed to see each other again randomly at a coffee shop. 

"I am not the type to walk away from someone," Kazuha grabbed Xiao's hand and squeezed it. 

"How many times...?" Kaeya began, curious, but realizing Kazuha might not want to answer. 

"About five so far," Kazuha let out a small sigh. 

"That must be hard, explaining to him every time..." Kaeya scratched his arm, not able to imagine staying with someone that long and being forgotten. 

"We've come up with a system, actually," Kazuha smiled. "I don't have to explain it to him anymore. He has written everything he needs to know down in a few journals. So, when he forgets, I just give him the journals. There is usually a day or so after where he is confused and not quite believing it...but..." 

"No matter how many times I forget, Kazuha is always my favorite face," Xiao spoke. 

"That'ssodamncute," Kaeya wheezed. "Am I your favorite face, Albedo?" Kaeya clung to Albedo and smooshed his face into his cheek. 

"In your dreams," Albedo pushed Kaeya's face away with his hand, but couldn't hide the slight blush on his cheeks. 

"Do you think," Kazuha looked at the cup of tea in his hands, "one day it might stop?" 

"I don't know," Albedo answered. "But I will always be willing to look at him whenever you need me to." 

"Oh, how generous of the C.E.O.," Kaeya snickered. 

"We're going to be late," Xiao stood up. "We should get going." Kazuha nodded and the two left. Albedo and Kaeya were left alone at the table. 

"Did you ever find out who made him?" Kaeya asked. 

"No, but I'm getting closer to finding out who stole my data." 

"You look concerned." 

"I am," Albedo sighed, leaning back in his chair and staring at the ceiling. "Because the more I think about it...the more it looks like..." 

"Like what?" 

"A.I. research." 

"Is that bad?" 

"Not exactly, but it could cause a lot of problems." 

"We didn't have anywhere to go," Kazuha turned to look at Xiao. 

"Mm," Xiao nodded, "but I wanted to leave." 

"You're capable of lying?" 

"It wasn't a lie," Xiao frowned slightly. "We are going to be late." 

"For what?" 

"For...for...that movie showing," he pointed across the street to the theater. 

"A bit of a loophole..." 

"Excuse me!" someone was riding a bike down the sidewalk but had a pile of boxes balanced on the handles and was headed straight for Xiao. There was a crash and Kazuha, Xiao, and the stranger all ended up on their wounded butts. 

"Are you okay?" Xiao asked, moving to Kazuha first. 

"Oh no! My equipmen-" the stranger looked up from the ground and stared at Xiao. "Y.A.K.S.H.A.?" she muttered. 

"Do you need help?" Kazuha offered. 

"Oh, no, I'm fine, thank you!" she nodded, her fluffy mint green hair bouncing with her every move. She scurried off, repeating the same tragedy a few blocks away. 

"I wonder where she was headed off to..." Kazuha looked down at the ground once again and picked up a small square. "Isn't this a chip of some sort...?" 

"Let's not think on it," Xiao grabbed Kazuha's hand and dragged him into the theater like he originally planned. "We have a date, yes?" 

"I suppose we do," Kazuha smiled. 

My Yaksha [Build a Boyfriend Series Part 3]Where stories live. Discover now