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Kazuha and Xiao returned to Kazuha's place. There was nothing to be done to fix him, so now they just had to live with it...even though Kazuha wasn't sure how he was supposed to do that either. 

"I don't want to forget you," Xiao grabbed Kazuha's hand and held it tightly. 

"I don't want you to forget me." 

"What shall we do to remedy this situation?" 

"There isn't..." Kazuha closed his eyes and sighed. "You know there isn't anything to be done. Why are you asking?" 

"Are you going to throw me out when I reset?" 

"What?" Kazuha turned to face him completely and stared, almost wondering if he heard it right. 

"When I reset...will you still want me?" Xiao let go of Kazuha's hand and took a step away from him. He grabbed his elbow and stared at the wall, not wanting to look at him in the eyes. 

"Listen to me," Kazuha grabbed both of Xiao's shoulders and turned him toward himself. "I have lost one person already. I don't intend to lose another." 

"But I'm..." Xiao didn't want to call himself an android. It felt dirty somehow. "If I forget you, won't that be the same as losing me?" 

"Not if I know you will still fall for me all over again," Kazuha smiled, brushing Xiao's hair behind his ear. 

"It's hard not to enjoy such a very aesthetically pleasing face," Xiao chuckled. 

"I'm sorry," Kazuha apologized, letting go of Xiao's shoulders. "It is taking me a while to mourn and at the same time, I have been trying to ignore whatever it is I have felt for you," Kazuha sighed and sat down right there on the floor. Xiao sat next to him. 

"You don't need to feel obligated to return my feelings in any intimate way," Xiao said. "Even if I wasn't going to forget...I don't want you to force yourself. Emotions take time." 

"I wonder," Kazuha rested his head against Xiao's shoulder. "Do you think I could reset myself instead of you?" 

"You wouldn't do that." 

"Why not?" 

"You would forget your precious memories of your...friend?" 

"He wasn't a friend. He was my partner. A lover. And he was very very sick," Kazuha cried and Xiao lifted his fingers to catch his tears. 

"If there was one moment between us that I would be allowed to remember...it would be when I first saw you." 

"How romantic." 

"I'm serious," Xiao insisted. "I wouldn't want you to have to introduce yourself to me every time I..." 

"Let's not talk about you resetting anymore. We will deal with it if we have to." Kazuha sat up straight and cupped Xiao's face, giving him a kiss. He allowed himself to feel something other than sadness. Xiao responded to it, uncertain at first, but resolved all the same. 

"I think this is the longest you've been in my apartment with clothes on," Kazuha chuckled, leaning his forehead against Xiao's. 

"Oh? My apologies," Xiao moved his hands to his chest to begin removing his clothes. 

"I didn't mean..." Kazuha's face flushed. 

"You do enjoy the way I look, no?" He removed his upper garments.


Xiao grabbed Kazuha's hands and placed them on his bare chest. "I don't know what your past relationship was like but I am not fragile. I cannot get sick either. You are allowed to touch me." Xiao removed his hands from Kazuha's but Kazuha's hands remained on his chest. 

"Your skin is very smooth." 


"Whoever designed you had great taste," Kazuha moved his hands along the green stripes covering Xiao's arm.

"Kazu-" Xiao's eyes lost their light and he fell over. Kazuha caught him, shaking him slightly. 

"Xiao?" Kazuha panicked. "Xiao...I didn't think it would happen so soon. I'm not- shit," Kazuha held Xiao tightly in his arms and cried. He rocked back and forth, not sure what to do, or how exactly he was supposed to turn Xiao on again. Did he just need to wait? Was it the money thing? How much time did a reset take? 


My Yaksha [Build a Boyfriend Series Part 3]Where stories live. Discover now