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"Thank you for allowing me to stay here," Xiao bowed slightly. 

"Mm," Kazuha nodded briefly but went back to trying to boil water. Oh yes. Lovely water. Such nice boil. What was he supposed to look at while doing this? Why was it so hard to pretend he didn't know Xiao? 



"Kazuha..." Xiao grabbed his hand gently to get him to turn his head. "Why do you look so sad?" 

Kazuha's calm demeanor shifted and all at once tears fell again. He knelt on the ground, holding the counter, trying to forget and trying to remember. He'd heard Xiao ask that before. He was incredibly the same. 

"You don't remember," Kazuha wiped his eyes on the back of his hand. "Somehow, I thought maybe, magically, something would fix it but no...it's real. You don't remember. Nothing I can say or do. Nothing about this place will trigger it. It's not like amnesia..." 

"I have forgotten?" 

"Yes, no, yes, I'm sorry..." Kazuha let out a sigh. "You're an android and you've got a malfunction in your programming where you reset after a random period of time." 

"I'm not...I'm a yaksha." 

"This is going to be harder than I thought..." Kazuha laid down on the ground and stared up at the ceiling. Xiao crawled on top of him and hovered his face over Kazuha's. "What are you-" 

"I trust you, but please don't call me an android." 

"I..." Kazuha blushed when Xiao placed his hand on his chest. "No, of course, sorry, I just don't know how to explai-" Kazuha gasped when Xiao moved his hand down to his stomach. He was finding it difficult to not want anything. He didn't realize how ready he was to be with Xiao until he'd forgotten all about Kazuha. 

Xiao's eyes started to water and droplets fell on Kazuha's cheeks. "I feel as if I know you." 

"But you can't remember, right?" Kazuha said. 

"Is it okay...if I sleep in your bed with you?" Xiao asked. 

"Oh, of course, yeah, you've been doing that anyway." 

"Can I sleep...with you?" Xiao asked. 

"Oh...you mean...you want to...?" Kazuha's face grew redder. "I've never...I don't even know...where to begin..." Kazuha closed his eyes and inhaled a long breath before opening them again. "I'm not sure that I am ready to be completely intimate with you. You don't remember me and the cycle will continue of when I am ready, you reset, so..." Kazuha didn't know what to say. "But...we can try a few things." 

"You'll tell me, won't you? If it is ever too much." 

"Of course," Kazuha nodded. "I would al-" Xiao kissed him and moved his hand to the base of his neck, to push him further into his. He moved his other hand underneath Kazuha's shirt and toward his chest. 

"Xiao-" Kazuha inhaled sharply when Xiao's lips moved to his neck. He closed his eyes but an image flashed into his mind that he'd long forgotten. Before his partner was sick...before all of that...they'd never been able to properly talk of that night so long ago. 

Xiao continued to kiss down Kazuha's chest. He reached the top of Kazuha's pajama pants when the water began to boil, nearly boiling over. 

"Shit!" Kazuha pushed Xiao away so the water droplets didn't reach him. He jumped up and turned off the stove, staring at the water. "Are you okay?" Kazuha turned, feeling awkward about his shirt halfway up his body, he pulled it down. 

"Your arm..." Xiao pointed to Kazuha's arm. His skin was red from the water. 

"I'll be fine. It's fine, really, nothing to worry about. I'm just glad you didn't..." 

"Something like that wouldn't have hurt me," Xiao pressed his finger against the slight burn. Kazuha winced. 

"It's fine. It'll be gone in a couple of days." 

Xiao leaned down and licked the burns. "Xiao?" Kazuha was both attracted and conflicted to whatever it was he just experienced. "You don't have to do that." 

"There are instances where my saliva has healing properties." 

"Oh?" Kazuha briefly wondered if that was a built-in android function for people who appreciated intimacy on the rough side. "Oh!" He looked down at his arm to see two faint dots, barely noticeable. It didn't hurt anymore. "Our moment is a bit ruined, hm?" Kazuha scratched his neck, chuckling awkwardly. He grabbed a mug and decided to put the hot water to use. 

"Not at all," Xiao insisted. "I would love to be intimate with you at any-" Kazuha slapped a hand over his mouth to keep him from saying anything else. His cheeks felt so hot, how could he get any redder? 

"Why don't we...just share a cup of tea and I can catch you up on everything you've forgotten?" Kazuha held out a mug. 

"You're quite cute when you're shy..." Xiao grinned, moving Kazuha's hand to his cheek. 

"I'm not-!" 

"Then join me in my nakedness," Xiao teased, stripping down. 

"I..." Kazuha took a sip of his tea after blowing on it to cool it down. "Maybe just my shirt."  

My Yaksha [Build a Boyfriend Series Part 3]Where stories live. Discover now