Chapter 5

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Hello beautiful people of the internet are you ready for this chapter need friends...)

I woke up before all the girls and took a shower. I did all my hygiene things and put on my outfit. (a/n;outfit is somewhere in the front page.)                              I decided to bring me and the girls some food. I went downstairs and ordered breakfast. My order came and i made my way to the elevator. I was just about to close the elevators door until someone steped in. Dillon. Great.

"Hey.." I said trying to make it less awkward then it already is. "Hey." He said in a blunt tone while on his phone. I gave him a confused look. The elevator finally made it to our floor. "Bye." I say under my breath. "Whatever." He says and makes his way to his room. I walk back to my room and see the girls still sleeping. I lay on my bed and take out my phone. I stayed on my phone for about fifteen minutes and Mahogany wakes up.

"Mornin'." I say to her. "Good morning." She says and stretches. "I got us some breakfast if your hungry." I said. "Thanks, im just gonna get in the shower and get ready." She says while putting her hair in a ponytail. "Okay." I say focusing back on my phone.
Five minutes later C woke up.

"Hey!" I say to her. She just looked at me with tierd eyes. "Hey.." She said and yawned. "Is Mahogany in the shower?" She says in her raspy voice. "Yeah." I say. She layed back on her bed and put her covers over her. "Wake me up when she finishes please." She mumbled and fell asleep. Twenty minutes passes and Mahogany walks out of the shower. I wake C up and she forces her body out of her bed.

"I hate mornings." C says closing the bathroom door. "What do you want to do before the Magcon rehearsal?" Mahogany asks. I instantly knew what I wanted to do. "We should go shopping then after shopping we should get some food to eat and by some i mean a lot." I answered. "I don't even know why I bothered to ask." She chuckles. "Omg im so hungry!" I run up to the bag of food and take out my food. I sit on the coutch and turned on the tv. I flipped through the channels until I saw 'Keeping Up With The Kardashian's' was on. "I love this show!" Mahogany says while eating her breakfast. Me and Mahogany were soo into the show we didnt even realize that C finished.

"You guys are watching tv and eating without me!?" C groaned. "Sorry, we didn't even know you finished taking a shower." Mahogany said while focusing on the tv. "That's fine." C said eating her bacon.

3 hours later ~

"Im stuffed and my feet feel sore!" I say laying down on my bed. We went to soo much stores and each of us have more than 9 bags! "I have to go to rehearsal in about 10 minutes." Mahogany says putting her things back. "Im just glad we got to go shopping and eat in New York." C says looking through the fridge. I was about to say something until someone knocked on the door.

"Rehearsal time!" Sammy says walking into our room.

"Ugh! But, im so tierd!" Mahogany says getting up. We all walked out of the room and into the elevator.

"Did you guys have fun?" Sammy says." "Duh!" Me and the girls all say together. The elevator dinged and open. We made our way to the rehearsal hall and me and C sat down. I was on my phone for a few minutes and looked up to see Dillon staring at me.

I'm upset at Megan because I saw her flirting with Gilinsky the other day. I accually thought that she liked me but I guess I was wrong. But, imagine know for a fact that I still like her.

"Hey, Meg and C can you both check to see if the microphones are all working?" Bart asks. "Yeah." I say and get up to pick a microphone. C hits the top of her mic three times. She speaks in it saying "Im actually pretty hungry. I know I just ate twenty minutes ago but im starved." She says. "Okay C I'm pretty sure your mic is working." I chuckle. She puts it down and grabs another. I start testing the first one by saying "Hakuna Matata." We both checked the rest of the mics and sat back down.

"OMG, GUYS LOOK THEIR RIGHT THERE!" A random fan comes running in pointing at the guys. All the girls look at me and C and they roll their eyes at us. "How did they even get in here show doesn't start like till tomorrow." C says while playing with her hair. "They must have a room in the hotel and they maybe VIP im guessing." I said to C while looking at the girls trying hard to get all the boys attention. Five minutes later they all take a seat next to me and C. "So, are you guys enjoying the tour." One of the girls say not even looking at us. "Yeah it's-" C gets cut off by the girl that was screaming. "We don't really want to know we were just trying to be nice." She says in a rude tone. I got up from my seat and headed my way to Bart.

"Hey Bart do you see those fans over there?" I say pointing to the girls. "Yeah." He says. "They are being extremely rude to me and C. I'd like you to escort them out because i have enough drama going on." I said. "Sure, let me just call down the security."He says taking out his phone. I got back to my seat and gave a smirk to the girls. They all just started shouting and saying how hot they guys look when they rehearse. The security finally came.

"Ladies im going to have to ask you nicely to please go back to your rooms." The security says nicely. "What? why!?" One of the girls said getting angry. "Someone filed a complaint saying you guys were being rude and very loud." He says. The girls glare at me and C but we smile at them. They all get up and leave except for one girl. She stood up and looked at us. "Have a nice day, bitches!" She walks out.

"Those fans are fucking crazy!" C says and I nod. "Okay so Mahogany you play the first song and the guys will walk out orderly." Bart says. She plays a song and all the guys walk out.

After rehearsal

I went on my phone and checked my Twitter account. I checked my messages and read the first one. "You are very clever. I hope you die from it." I read. These fans are fucking crazy. I read the next one "Stop being a whore!" that one made no sense at all to me.

"I just got a message from one of those girls and it says " You bark, I bite. Say my name you both get blamed!"  "The best thing to do right now is ignore them." I say to C.  She nods her head and opens the fridge. My phone started buzzing and I checked who it was from. Dillon. I'm so confused right now I thought he was upset with me I read the message. "We need to talk. ASAP." I sigh. "C i'll be back in a few I have to talk with someone." I said. "Okay!" She says with food in her mouth. I knock on his room door and he opens.

"Hey." He says scratching the back of his head. "Hey." I say walking in and sitting on his bed. He sat right besides me and took a deep breath. "Look im really sorry if I've been acting like a douche lately." He said. "It's more like was." I responded. He took another deep breath and looked at me. "I was upset with you because I saw you flirting with Gilinsky." I raised an eyebrows at him. "Gilinsky was flirting with me, I didn't really flirt  back." I said making it clear. "I was just jealous that he could get to you and I couldn't and-" I cut him off and  kissed him without any hesitation. "What was that for?" He asked. "I don't know I just wanted to kiss you for some reason." I say leaning in and kissing him again.


A/N; Hello beautiful people of the internet! I hope you guys really enjoyed this chapter! I'm so excited today because Summer Break(a reality show from YouTube) is gonna be back on in like two months if you want updates from them you can follow them on snapchat@SummerBreak and their twitter@SummerBreak. The next chapter will be up around next week. Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Share. See you next time my loves !

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