Chapter 1

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*C'ara Mays & Charlie Helms*
Hey my name is C'ara Mays and I was about to graduate High School. I couldn't really tell you anything about my life besides my mother running away from my father. Lately I've been feeling weird and it was something that kept pushing me towards the woods behind my house it was crazy because I would hear animals howling for some strange reason. And this morning was no different but I got up to get ready for school I was feeling sick to my stomach, everything hurts and on top of that I growing a fever. I tried to make it to the door but I couldn't my bones felt like they were breaking all over. I was sooooo dizzy I looked in my mirror and screamed to the top of my lungs all I hear is my mother standing on the opposite side banging on my door, the loud noises was giving me a headache it caused me to feel nauseous. I turned around looking out my window. Apart of me wanted to jump out the window and just run,,I felt my back bend and my nails was growing.... I passed out...
A couple of hours later I woke up laying on my bathroom floor not knowing what was going on. I checked my phone and had several missed called from my bestfriend Cherry did I really miss school today and why can't I remember what happened this morning . I looked out the window and I was freshly dark, I looked past the trees and thought I seen something staring back at me. Whatever it was had golden eyes with black and white fur. It lifted his head up and howled to the sky. I thought I was crazy because what kind of animal stands there and watches you. I went down stairs and my mother was preparing dinner. I offered to help but she wouldn't let me, she looked scared of me.... I didn't even remember what happened.
Mom, why are you looking at me like that",
No reason",
Spill it mother",
Did it hurt",
Did what hurt",
So you don't remember baby",
No mother I don't",
Okay sweetheart what I'm about to tell you might freak you out, years ago I met your father at a bar and he had done started drinking too much started telling me about this secret world he was apart of. Instead of me leaving him we ended up conceiving you. Me and him was in love until he started disappearing for a couple of days and would come back home like nothing was wrong.. One day he went in our shed and I heard loud banging just like you did this morning,, I walked in and it was a pretty gray and black wolf staring at me,, I ran in the house and packed our things and moved. You carry his traits and yes you'll go through what he went through. I'm going to send you to your father darling. He's the only one that can help you with this. If you stay people will know and I can't protect my baby if I don't know she's in danger,, look baby I never intended this to happen I'm a witch and when I conceived you ,, it was unexpected but I will protect with with everything in my power I promise you ",
Know what mommy",
You're an Werewolf baby",
You're joking right",
No I'm not",. She finished preparing dinner and we ate dinner in silence. Only thing on my mind was werewolf's. I made a mental note to do a lot of research. Later on that night I heard my mother talking to my father on the phone and he was happy I carried his traits he asked her if I could be on the road by Sunday. I felt the need to go to the woods and as soon as I touched the ground I felt my legs turn and I was running on four legs. I was running faster then I have ever ran, I came up to a lake and it looked soooooo peaceful. I started drinking some of the water and it tasted amazing. My smell, My taste, My hearing everything was like it was right in my face, Then I heard somebody walking up behind me and I ended up falling in the lake. He smelled like chocolate cake and all I wanted to do was jump on him and lick him all over. He had white fur with black streaks going all over his fur. We stared at each other for a long time and then I watched him turn back into a human.....
Hi", he said. I ended up shifting back and we both were naked.
I didn't mean to scare you",
It's okay I was probably trespassing on your land",
Lol no worries I think you paid for it when you fell in the lake. Is this your first shift",
Yes I actually shifted this morning and I felt something calling me to the woods so here I am",
It was me, when your mated to someone and your the male, the moon goddess sends you to your mate",
Wait what were mates??",
Yes, you smell like strawberries",. I watched his eyes turn black and he stepped close to me.
I smelled you too, you smell like chocolate cake which is weird",
Lol only your mate can smell you",
Omg can I freak out right now, this morning I felt sick and then at dinner my mother tells me about my father being a Alpha male Michael Mays and that I had his traits.. Have you heard of him",
Actually I do he's actually owns the town over. I'm an alpha in training I'm soon going to take over my father's place",
Wow this is unbelievable and crazy",
The moon goddess brought us to each other",
Moon goddess?? What's that",
She's something like our god, she sets you up with your mate,, she basically runs our world",
Ohhhh,, I feel crazy right now",
Would you like to come to my pack",
Yes it's where you would stay if you accept me",
Umm maybe I should get back home my mother probably looking for me",
Yeah you should because I doubt we'll even make it. I can feel how hot you is for me. I'll show you the way",
Thanks umm",
Thanks Charlie,, can we meet up here again tomorrow night so we could talk more oh yeah I'm C'ara",
You'll actually see me more then you expect, you see after the male finds his mate it's hard for them to stay apart. We will basically crave each other.
Like how I'm feeling right now",
Yes and trust me I feel it too",....
We walked for a long time and I was trying to wrap my head around me wanting to stay with him instead of going home. He stopped and turned to me and pulled me close to him. His lips touched mine and our lips molded into each other. He pulled me closer and stopped kissing me. "Look I know all this seems crazy but I promise I'll never let anything to happen to you, you are my life",. He backed up and ran back into the woods. I smiled and snuck back into the house and went straight to bed. I felt like I was in love and I couldn't wait to see him again. I guess love at first sight was actually real...

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