Chapter 6

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Aye Sean didn't you say you'll have a couple of our fighter surrounding us tonight right",
K: look we can protect you ourselves",
S: Right! So what you taking about",
Well I don't wanna get pull up off my mate while I'm fucking her brains out",
S: aww he don't want a fight to break out while he's fucking his girl,, are you going to teach her how to fight",
K: I know right",
Shut the hell up y'all don't even know she's a powerful wolf and her mother is a witch sooooo",
K: wait what
Yep now mind your business and help me set up the table over there",......
After taking care of our date night. I went to visit her father. He had some explaining to do,, why send rogues to collect your daughter instead of coming hisself.. COWARD!. I got to his border with Sean by my side Kalup stayed to watch over C'ara. As soon as his wolf smelt us he ran to the border. Now that I actually see him face to face she looks exactly like him. I just hope he don't make me regret coming here....
M: So what brings you here, my daughter tired of you already",
Well actually I came to see why the fuck you sent rogues to fuck with her",
Hmm you think I did that",
Hell yeah",
Bold accusations boy",
Boy?? I'm a man who soon will be alpha",
Soon little boy still waiting on his father to finally give him a spot",
Waiting on what?? Lol I'm already alpha just waiting to mark my mate",. He almost jumped over the fence when I said that.
I will be coming for her",
Why tho,, cause she's powerful",
Ha, so you figured it out",
Nope I just knew I had to be something you wanted from her, you see me I'm out her handling business while she's at the pack getting to know everyone, I just wanna know why are you deciding to ruin her life knowing that's not where she wanna be",
Have your fun I'll be to collect one day and you will regret letting me get that close",
Good Luck dad", I said before walking off this man is crazy if he thinks I want go to war with him over his own daughter.
After our date we staying at the cabin", I told Sean
" that's why you spoke on the pack to throw him off",
Now you get it lmao",. After handling business I went back to the pack and she was playing with this kids, it looked like they're playing kick ball. I snuck up behind her and wrapped my hands around her stomach "soon or later we'll have our own offspring running around her",. I felt her heart speed up she turned around and kissed me "I would love that baby",. She ran off after the kids and yep I joined them. My mother and father was watching from a distance smiling at us he mind linked me and said "so I guess tonight the night right",
yes it is I need some of our top fighters surrounded around my cabin so we can complete our mating process",
Done",. After the sunset I asked her to follow me. We walking in the house and went straight to the my room. Instead of me letting her bathe herself I did it. I wanted to cater to her need and I did. I wanted her first time to be special. I ran her a bubble bath and had out spa ladies to come treat her. I went to use the other shower we had, all I could feel was her feeling like she was on the top of the world. I wondered could I mind link her....
Hey",. I cut the link because how can she hear me and we haven't even completed the mating ceremony. I got out the shower and dressed in my Pink Fashion Stripe One Button Blazer Men's Dress Suit. I also got the girls to go pick up her Criss Cross Ruched Bodycon Dress pink. After getting ready I went outside to wait on her.
K: you cleaned up nice",
Watch when you see her",
K: no shoes",
Nope",. She walked out the door looking amazing, she smelled like roses and vanilla. I grabbed her hands and pulled her close to me. "You look amazing", I mind linked her. She was blushing, we said our goodbyes, got in the truck and drove to the cabin. Yes I asked my chef to come cook for us. He prepared spaghetti with meatballs and red wine. We pulled up and I opened her side of the door. We walked to the front of the cabin and her eyes bucked out... "This is amazing", she said. I grabbed her hand and walked her to the table it had candles, wine glasses and bread. "Can I pour the wine", chef Mandy said. "Of course",. She smelled the wine and I watch her eyes turn black she was horny and I couldn't do nothing but laugh at her....
stop laughing at me",
It's funny",
It's not I'm trying to control this",
Stop controlling it baby",. I went to sit by her and she turned her head away. I grabbed her jaw and turned her back to me,, "you don't have to be nervous all this is for you love",. Our lips connected and she put her hands into my hair. The chef interrupted us putting the food on the table. I decided to sit beside her. After supper I walked her to the rainfall and there was candles, wine, music and roses scattered all around. I can say my mother did an amazing job. "Thanks mom if your listening", "Your welcome baby",. I closed the mind link and walked to the table fixing us both a glass of wine. I decided to take my clothes off and get in the water. She sat at the edge of the lake.... She played a show in my head and it had me stunned. How was she able to do that,, I moved over to her and pulled her close to me. I inhaled her scent....
"Do you know what that image in my head did to me,, It was like you showed me our future",.
It is our future", she said sliding down in the water in front of me. "Now take me baby cause I've waiting on you this whole time",....... boy boy boyyyyyy", I shouted

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