Chapter 10

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It's been almost three weeks and I'm missing her more and more. Last time I seen her she was sitting on her porch writing. It was time I was about to walk up and talk to her but she'll mind link me and tell me no,, I've had it up to here with her childish ways.. I hate feeling what she was feeling. I stepped o. The porch and when our eyes connected tears fell from my eyes. He smelled had changed, her hair was lighter, her eyes was more green. I walked up to her and dropped to my knees...
Look I'm sorry",
No I'm sorry, I should've known you wouldn't do me like that",
No it's my fault I should've known your father would do some stupid shit like that", I said moving closer to her.
He wasn't my father, he had a twin and lied to my mother like it was him,, my real father is actually my mother's mate. Micheal said she ran away after she found out she was pregnant with me",
Damnnn that's crazy, look can we start over",
I have something to tell you",
I already know,, you forgot I feel what you feel",. That night we slept at her mothers house and I held her the whole time. The next morning I requested for Sean and Kalup to go set up the cabin and she must of heard me "Hell no im going home to claim my pack", she whispered in my ear. I was elated she still wanted to be a part of my life. I picked her up and walked her to my cabin I noticed she was barely showing.
How far along are you", I asked
I'm 6weeks along,, I'm actually hiding my belly don't no one really knows but you and my bestfriend",
Ohh what you mean hiding your stomach",
Well the moon goddess helped me with my powers, she actually like you but she told me what all my powers could do she told me my mother powers was took from her the same day I shifted for the first time. She also told me what happen with you and that girl she scolded me because I left and didn't stay to listen to you. She said if you kill Michael you and your mate will live a good happy life.",.
Dang you actually got a relationship with the moon goddess",
Yes and I also been been talking to your mother",
Do she know",
Not really I was gone wait to tell her, I wanted you to be the first person that knew",. I made love to her and promised I wouldn't never let anything happen to her. That morning I made breakfast in bed literally I treated her good this morning, I was really going to be a dad. She lifted the spell so that I could see her stomach, she was already showing and she had 12 more weeks to go.
Can you promise me that you won't hide your stomach I want everyone to know that this is all me",
Yes babe I can promise but the first time I hear something about rogues or anything crazy ima hide it again",
Good",. We got dressed and headed to the pack. I tried my best to hide her but it's like everyone smelled her, my mother literally met us at the gates. Oh yeah we up graded to pack we now have fences and fingerpbrint to unlock the gates. I meant won't nobody ever get that close to us again. I was finally able to get passed everyone to get to the house. She was so tired she slept the whole day away. When a wolf gets pregnant they cannot shift anymore and they had to be in wolf form to have the babies or baby. She was scared to go have a ultrasound because she didn't want our baby to come out as an actual wolf. That night she woke up she asked my mother to cook dinner for her, she didn't trust anyone when it came to our baby. When I had to make my rounds around the pack she would put a spell on me to keep me safe. Long as she was happy I was happy, I had some construction workers to come build us a house since she wanted to be on the pack. On some real shit I was happy as fuckkkk with life yeah the moon goddess kept her promise but I some how thought it was weird she chose my mate to kill her own father while being pregnant. Was she jealous of C'ara, ion wanna make accusations but it seems so crazy. I made a mental note to ask my father about it. After dinner I joined her in one of her famous bubble baths, I was so fucking relaxed and chilled. This was the life I wanted, I crossed my feet and laid down not knowing my life could be this peaceful and I loved it. That morning I woke up to her shaking and screaming, she said someone was going to kidnap our child. I was mad asf because her dreams were real and I knew from this day forward I had to sleep with one eye opened. She didn't even wanna go back to sleep, I was sooooo tired but I had to be there for her. I was gone kill the next person that even tries to get that close to my family again it's like I can't trust nobody else. I pushed for the to hurry up and finish the house I had a few weeks to get everything in order. My mother stayed with her while I went out and took care of business. Would my baby be powerful enough to protect his family if I ever have to leave them. I went to the woods howling real loud it was sick and tired of this crazy as shit I needed this shit fix ASAP!!! I just needed my girl happy was that too much to ask for.........

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