Chapter 4

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I need to get the fuck out of here NOW!", I yelled out. As soon as I stepped out the door I smelled a different scent and I knew it wasn't no one I knew. Where the hell is Sean",. I shifted in my wolf form and ran towards the scent. He was a gray wolf as soon as he seen me he ran towards me and tried to bite me. I moved side ways and he fell on his face, next thing I know Sean and Kalup jumped in front of me Sean mind linked me and told me to go back to her NOW! I ran as fast as I could and I heard her scream. I kicked my door in and ran up stairs someone was on top of her. I watched her kicked him between his legs and jumped up she ran behind me and he jumped out the window right into Sean and Kalup. I hugged her so tight I knew what she was going through was going to traumatize her. I grabbed her things and jumped in my truck and took her to my pack. Sean and Kalup stayed at my cabin. When I got there I picked her up and took her to my parents house. I took her straight to my room and slammed the door behind me I was pissed and I be damned if I don't find out who the fuck sent them. I fixed her a warm bubble bath and told her I'll be right back. I went to my fathers study him and my mother was in there talking.
Dad we have a problem",
Charlie when did you get back",
Some wolfs found my cabin and tried to get her",
She in my room and no mom please don't go bother her",
Baby listen she needs to hear a woman's voice right now",
When she get settle mom I'll let you talk to her",. "Dad we need to find out what's going on Kalup and Sean stayed at the cabin to see if anyone would show up",
Okay son calm down she's safe here",
I know that's why I brought her here",. Did mom really sneak off",
Yes son she went to see her",
Jesus anyways dad I think it was her father",
Why do you say that",
Dad this man told me out his mouth she will move to his pack",
He just can't make her choose, son the mating bond is real strong and I know she'll choose you over anything",
I know dad but I do think it's him behind it unless they came because she was in heat",
Yeah that could be it but I also doubt it was her heat that brought them I'll ask around,, please keep her safe. She's an alpha daughter so you know she's strong she just have to be trained properly",
I know but dad I think it something about her dad that I don't trust please let me know when you find out",
I will now go save her from your mom",.
I got back to my room and my mother was helping dress her and brushed her hair. I stood and watched her smile at my mom neither of them knew I was in her but yet she was thinking about me. Her heat would come back soon and I actually thought about sleeping in another room but I couldn't I had to hold her and gain her trust so I could protect her how I need to. I walked up and took over, my mom kissed my jaw and left the room. She spoke and her voice sounded like music to my ears,,
Hi",. I felt her heat rising.
Can you hold me tonight",. I walked up to her wrapping my arms around her pulling her close "You didn't have to ask",. She looked up at me and her eyes were another color and she was controlling her heat.
How did you do that", I asked her
Sshhh we can talk about that later",. I picked her up and her legs wrapped around, I placed my lips on her we stood there kissing each other. I pulled back and walked towards the bed and laid her down, we ended up falling asleep in each other arms. The next morning I left for my cabin. I was calm cause she was calm my mother said she would take her to the spa and talk to her about things. I still wondered how she controlled her heat last night. I need to talk to her mother and see why her father wants her so bad. I cleared my mind cause I did not want her day to be ruined because she feels what I feel. I finally arrived at the cabin and the door was fixed Sean and Kalup was inside talking to one of the rogues. Oh yeah of course I could tell anyone. He was chained up bleeding I just needed to know who, what, when, and why ASAP!
Who sent you?", I asked him
Rogue: why does it matter I've been getting beat since earlier I'm not telling shit",
I walked up to him and squatted down so he could see me. "Look my Luna is waiting for me and I need this to be over quickly so please tell me who sent you I'm asking nicely if I don't get the answer I want then I'm walking out this door and they will kill you",
I'm already going to die if I show back up without her", he stated
Mr.Mays huh", I said
You don't know what he got coming for you, he wants his daughter. She's powerful than any of us",. I got up and walked off.
Okay if you think that", he said sarcastically. I turned around and kicked him right in the chest. He moods was changing between love and lust. That moment she ask me to take it, I'm going to put it on her so good she would be crawling to her next destination LOL 😂

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