Chapter 12

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I was on my way to the office to pack up a few of my items so I could do work from home if I had to. as soon as I stepped out the car someone was driving at their top speed and hit me. the last thing I remembered was my mate calling my name through mind link. I felt pain all over, I even tried to pay attention to my surroundings but I could the only thing I was able to see was I was going somewhere very far. I tried to mind link C'ara but something was wrong, I tried my beta and he was mind linking me telling me the pack was under attack and my mate cast a spell to protect everyone and blacked out. I was hurting because for the first time in my life I didn't know what to do. I told my beta that I was hit by a car and they threw me in a van. That's all I was able to get out until I passed out. I woke up in a dark smelly room with a small window, I tried to move but I couldn't I realized I was chained to the wall with wolf ban on the chains. That's another thing I hated about being a wolf, wolfs ban could make a wolf act right if the person was trying to gain information you also couldn't mind link to anyone no matter how hard you tried but I didn't show weakness because I knew my mate would find me. if she ever come for me we're getting married the next day. 

So do you want to know why I kidnapped you and sent rogues to your pack", unknown person said

umm duh", I yelled. He punched me in the face and started laughing", 

I finally got something that would hurt your mate and she wouldn't have no chose but to come out of hiding to find you, you see she's very powerful and I need this agenda past so me and her would get married", he spoke with authority

married to you lmao, it doesn't matter what you do she will kill you!!",

ha, That's if she find you before I kill you myself", he said walking out the room.  


I was using all my powers it took to find him and its been almost 4weeks since he disappeared. I was grouchy everyday trying to find him. I would soon go into labor and I needed him here with me. The moon goddess told me she was mad at me because I thought she was using me, but tonight was the last night I will sleep without my mate holding me. I tried to call her to me wasn't nothing working!!!! I stepped outside and screamed to the top of my lungs "MOON GODDESS GET YOUR ASS HERE NOW!! I yelled out. She appeared to me, she was beautiful with long black hair like mine, she had on a long white dress with some type of bright light around her. 

I need to know where my mate is", I said crying

why would I help you", she said

you owe me that's why",. she stared at me.

owe you,,,, I'm not the one who betrayed someone",

look I'm sorry and we can talk about that later,, I would do whatever you want me to do",

 hmm,, ill help but I better hear from you right after I send you to him",

i promise with everything in me",. She disappears and I was somewhat relieved I was finally getting somewhere. I called Sean and told him to be on stand by. This man pulled up and waited on the porch with me.......

* Charlie

Its been days since I last seen my girl, since I held her I wanted to kiss her, taste her lips or taste her juices all over my mouth when I would make her come. That's the only thing that kept me sane and controlled me. I wasn't a weak man but these last couple of weeks I've been starved and I think I'm dehydrated. I tried to befriend one of the woman servants that would bring me some of the nastiest food ever so that I could get her to at least take the chains off. 

Look I know we're not suppose to talk but can I please get you to loosen these chains so I can relax my wolf", 

You're right we don't suppose to be talking I'm not stupid", she said

Look I'm an Alpha of green pack I promise if you help me get out of this ill give you a job and a place to stay in, I just need to get back to my family, my mate and our unborn child,, Please help me", i said while crying

You promise this right",

Yes i swear ill get it to you as soon as we get to the pack",

Okay, I'm going to release you but follow me,, I'm also going to put the shackles around your hands so if they ask i would say boss wanted you.. I'm his favorite", she said

Okay ill follow you",. She unchained my legs and put them around my wrists. We walked out of the room and she led me straight to the exit. She took the chains off and said,,,

 "RUN!! They know you've escaped at least if we don't get away  I can say I chased you",. I took off running not even knowing where I was going. I just had to follow the moons light and it would take me to my pack I hoped C'ara was ready to see me because we was gone be locked up in my cabin until the baby was ready to come. I got to the highway and every light turned off except one of them and I knew it was my mate helping me get home. I ran like I was on fire inside. I was weak and I hoped I made to the pack in time before I pass out. I was finally noticing that this was my pack because I remembered changing the lights. I ran to the gate and pressed my finger on the tracer and the gate opened I was finally at home. the last thing I remembered was on of the guards saying " Alpha is here and we need a doctor ASAP!!...........

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