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- Hydra - 

"How does that feel soldier?" You whisper in his ear gently, sucking on his earlobe a little as you pull away, earning a satisfied and dazed grunt as he tosses his head back, his tousled har still damp from the rain you got caught in on the mission. You start to speed up slowly, riding him his large cock stretching you and hitting you deep as you use the little wooden bars between the chair legs for satiability, your hands running though his dark locks. 

"Faster..." a moan comes from the solider, you tilt his head up to you, his bright blue eyes gleaning with desire between the smug of black across his eyes.

"I can't hear you solider" you smile playfully as you take off his face mask letting it drop. 

"Faster..." he said not even looking at the mask just at you. 

"Help me?" You take his idle hands and put them both on your body, he looks at you a little wary, moving the metallic hand away but you take it, placing it on your naked breasts before speeding up your movements, biting his lip he roams your body with his hands, feeling every singly inch of you, your body arching in bliss. As he slowing puts a hand on either hid he uses his strength to hoist you up and down, taking your breath away in the process as he slams you up and down onto of him, you feel yourself about to unravel when he stops... you bring you head to meet his eyes sex dazed and confused. "What?" 

"Do that thing..." he says demanding but breathy, his eyes flick to your lips and you realise what he meant. You had to admit, it was one of your favourite parts, this. You slowly bring your lips to his puckered red ones, lingering for a moment before moving away and looking at him he nods and you continue, the kiss getting deeper and deeper and he allows your tongue into his moth, both of you starting to fight for dominance. It gets noisy, sweaty and breathy as you tangle your fingers in his hair still ringing him the chair starting to crack. Suddenly you cry out a moan as the soldier slips his metallic hand down over your clit, a vibration feeling tingles as he uses his fingers to play with it, something he'd found you liked the last time. You seep going, both moaning, the gloomy corridors ringing with the sound until you both release the chair finally giving way. You land with a thump on top of him, a moan escaping as his throbbing dick hits deep inside you one more time on impact. You lay there catching your breath before you roll over onto the splintered pieces of wood. 

"Not on there..." The soldier grumbles as he stands, lifting your naked body gently off the floor and onto his bed. 

"I should..." you do what you always did, steal the cleaning equipment and clothes before you both sit down staring at the blank wall. 

"Are you feeling better now? You seemed to really like it that time?" You ask kneeling next to him... you'd stolen a comb, something you'd seen one of the guards using... you go to his hair with it and when he doesn't flinch you start combing bits of metal and rubble out of his hair. "Well I thought it was great, they'll probably jab me again after that tho" you roll your eyes picking out some of what looks like the targets living room wall and continue to talk, you knew he was listening because his breathing was soft. "do they jab you? Probably not they like you."

"Hydra likes you to" The soldier confirms. You frown comb still mid above his head you lean down in front of him a comical expression on your face.

"Hmm nobody likes me I'm just..." 

"I like you." Your heart stops. 

"Glad to hear it soldier, I do save your ass on a number of occasions so..." you say playfully trying to distract from the tearing sensation in your heart... he would never understand how much you liked him back and it hurt. 

"Yeah..." is all he says as if lost in his own thoughts. 

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