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- Hydra - 

"For our notes, Miss Maximoff, can you please state your name and confirm your status?"

"Wanda Maximoff. Volunteer."

"Begin experimentation."

"Doctor, not being funny but not once has a subject survived direct contact with..." The two hydra agents spin round, as you make them jump out of their skin by appearing behind them without a sound. The doctor hits the mute button on the mic.

"You cannot be in here..." He says firmly looking at you. 

"What why not??" You frown almost laughing "you let me watch the others... I was hoping for more people like me?" you sigh as you try to get a glimpse of the girl in the other room you felt compelled to try and see her.

"Not this one... please leave..."


"Please leave or I will make sure the asset suffers..." The doctor glared at you, his importance in Hydra was huge at this time and you were certain he could make these things happen.

"Fine, fine..." you put your hands up in surrender before creating a portal and disappearing. 


"Touch the sample." The doctor instructs Wanda though the coms.

"So I... I just..." As she begins to ask shakily the mind stone reveal itself to her, as she touches it, a figure floats towards her before she's knocked out cold. 

"She's still alive. Get her too isolation now."

"How did that happen?" 

"How did what happen?" 

"She survived, and has, powers?" the Hydra scientist looks at Wanda in her cell, the doctor flicks to another view, seeing two cells, one with Pietro one with Wanda, both their powers developing after being exposed to the mind stone.

"It runs in the family..." he remarks before heading out the door to share the news. 


"I think I saw someone I know today... but I can't have because I don't know anyone..." you say out loud to the cyro-chameber as the soldiers handsome but stern face peeps out through the ice covered glass hole. 

"Right, funs over, in you get...." you hear a familiar voice as the doctor comes towards you. You gently press your hand to the glass of the soldiers chamber before heading to your own. 

"Did it work?" You ask as the doctor begins to prep you for freezing.

"No." is all he says before the lid is slammed shut and your chamber fills with a puff of icy chemicals keeping you preserved. 

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