Chapter Fourteen

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You walk around, your presence walking the dead coven on the floor as you walk over them joining Wanda arms folded.

"You see, the difference between you and me, is that you did this on purpose." Wanda scold, her accent showing as she looks at Agatha, who looks at the coven crawling towards her.

"No! No, no, no! No, no! Oh, please! I beg you! I beg you! No! No, no! No! No! No!"

But then the witches stop, and turn towards you and start chanting in a loud whisper. 

"Wanda. Wanda. Wanda. Wanda Maximoff... You are a witch. You are a witch...the Scarlet Witch. So it is written. So it is written. So it is written." They let Agatha go replacing her with Wanda, you try to stop them but Agatha holds you tight. 

"Told you so."

"Daughter of Chaos." They whisper... you suddenly freeze, your heart stops. Daughter of what?

 "You can't win, Wanda and Momma isn't able to save you, not for lack of power but knowledge.... " 

"My mother wasn't... I don't know what you're talking about" Wanda struggles. You look between Wanda who's crown grows red on her head and back at Agatha who lets you go so she can face Wanda properly. 

"Give me your power and I will correct the flaws in your original spell. And you and your family, and the people of Westview can all live together in peace. And no one will ever have to feel this pain again. Not even you."

"Over my dead body..." you mumble before blasting a blue blinding light across the witches and killing them again, allowing Wanda to escape and break the spell, pushing you all back into Westview. 

As you fly upwards away from the people below you see Bucky yelling for you, seeing he's safe you follow Wanda and Agatha upwards but so does Vision. 

"Stop him!" Wanda yells to you as she shouts at Agatha, blasting her telling her she can have her powers. 

"Wanda! What is she doing?" 

"I'm sorry Vision, keep them all safe." you say as you create a force field, blocking him from following you until you see him back away and then you join the fight above. 

"Ah yes, here she is, the dark supreme. You think you have issues Wanda look at this one!" Agatha cackles as you join her. You blast her "oh yes, that's it, show her who you are, go on!" 

Just then a thought comes into your head, you realise its Wanda talking to you though her mind. You see her idea and gently nod. 

"Alright Agatha, you have it, just spare Wanda and her family." You say, your best acting possible. 

"Deal... now give me all of it!" You screech loudly as create huge balls of magic firing them at Agatha. 

"No!" Wanda shouts, firing too but, on purpose missing a lot.

"There's more. I want it all." Agatha breaths out as you send what you make her think is the last of your energy, before falling limp in the sky, Wanda coming towards you holding you. 

"About our deal... Once cast, a spell can never be changed. This world you made will always be broken....Just like... you." Agatha looks at you mockingly "Now I need the last of it, she should be dead not floating like and ugly corpse." she turns to Wanda. 

"Let me say goodbye to her." Wanda says, teary eyed. Agatha laughs. 

"You have two seconds." 

Wanda leans over to you... "when I say now, be prepared...." she whispers in your ear before holding your hand and truing to face Agatha. The smile slowly fading off her face as she tries to cast a spell but it won't work. Thunder rumbles revealing the Runes that Wanda had seen in Agatha's basement earlier. 

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