Chapter Five

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- Present?: 1070s Wandavision - 


"Hi there!" You and Bucky beam at Wanda in unison as she opens the door. A caned laughter fills the air but your brain doesn't seem to let you notice it.

"Wanda, what's up? It's 75 degrees out. You're making a fashion statement?" You ask as you both giddily make your way inside. 

"Hey guys, you know, now is not really a good time." Wanda panics, its not that you wouldn't understand its just, well, she wanted to keep control of the hex and she knew being hormonal it wasn't going very well.

"No, no, no, it's gorgeous! You'll have to let me borrow it sometime." You give her a wink as you walk into the house. 

"But first, we gotta borrow a bucket. Not to wear, to use. Somehow, all the pipes in our ceiling burst at once and we gotta bail ourselves out." Bucky brought the conversation back to why you'd showed up, hands on his hips, he looked at Wanda. 

"All right, sure. Just stay right there. I think I might have a bucket in the kitchen." Wanda says a little on edge. 

"Okay, then." You say happily as you let her run into the kitchen as Bucky makes himself comfortable on the sofa and you perch on the arm until you hear a scream. 

"Are you all right in there?"

"Yes, I am just looking." Theres more noises so you head inside. 

 "I'll come help."

"No! I mean, no thank you." But you walk in away taking a big bucket from the cupboard and then turning around you head out towards the Wanda stood with a fruit bowl.

"Would you look at that?" You gasp.


"Fruit. Wanda! Thank you, you know my husband loves his plums so much!" You do a cute nose scrunch as you take a plum and walk towards the door, throwing the plum to Bucky which he catches gratefully. 

"Well, good luck with the leak."

"Oh, that... Oh! Say, Wanda, I've got a question for you. You know how I've been working that temp job, right?" You swing the bucket round extravagantly as you sit down next to Bucky and stat rambling... "Well, my boss, Mr. Willson, he was going crazy yesterday... "

"Doll, I hate to interrupt but I think we may have presumed Wanda has all time time in the world for us..." Bucky motions to Wanda'a contorted expression.

"Oh well let us go on and get out..." 

"Wait! No! Tell me about the temp job." Wanda pulls you both back on the sofa before you can see the stork she's trying to get rid of, her magic on the blink.

"Oh, that's my girl. So, yesterday my boss, Mr. Willson, was going crazy working on the slogan for a new series of soap bars. You know, the ones that are meant to smell like holidays?"

"hyyyaaaahha." Wanda is distracted  by the giant bird but you're too animated into the story to notice. 

"Yeah, yeah, Hydra Soap,yeha those. So, it's 10 minutes before the big presentation, and Mr. Wilson has got nothin'. Nothin', that is, except the worst case of hiccups I ever did see." The sound of the comical laugh fills the air as you slap your thigh theoretically, and Wanda fails again to make the bird disappear.

." . . So I'm tryin' every trick in the book to help this poor man. I'm hidin'  or portaling" You do a large wink wink as if to say 'you know what I mean' ... and then continue "behind filing cabinets and jumpin' out when he least expects it, like, boom!"

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