chapter 21

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Skylar's POV

I didn't sleep on the couch for very long. Half way throughout the night I was woken up because of a nightmare. Harry was the only one who was still awake. He helped me go through that awful nightmare.

My parents' death has taken a toll on me. I guess I'm not that strong after all. I didn't tell Harry about it though. He tried asking last night but I didn't want to. It wasn't because I didn't trust him, I just don't like talking about it. I haven't told anyone about the countless nights I had with those types of nightmares. Different versions every night.

I should've just listen to Danielle.


Who's that?

"Sky...dear wake up."


"Man you're really hard to wake. Look if you don't wake up you're gonna have to do the laundry today." Mum said.

"I'm awake! I'm awake! " I said.

I hate having to do the laundry on a Saturday.

"Good. God get change we're going out." Mum said.

"Where are we going and who are 'we' " I asked.

"Your dad and I." Mum said with that 'duh' tone in her voice. "We haven't decided where yet but we just feel like going out. As a family."

As a family.



"Um yeah I'll get ready now" I said as I head to the bathroom to shower. It was a little warmer now so I guess I can go out without a scarf. After showering, I went to brush my teeth and kept my hair wrapped in a towel. I proceeded with clothes. I wore skinny jeans with a floral kimono cardigan and a white top under it with one of my long necklaces. I just wore flats as I didn't feel the need to wear something like heels but still want to keep the girly look. I decided to culr my hair after I blow dry it because I wanted to just look like I put effort.

As I walked out to the living room, the couches were neat and the pillows were neatly arranged. The CD cases were all neatly put back on our shelf and the coffee table was stainless. I must have slept later than I should've. The boys were all gone. They must have went back really early. Well almost all of them.

I turned to the right where my kitchen is and I saw mum and Liam smiling at each other. They look so happy I felt happy for them.

"Owh Sky I didn't see you there. Ready to go love?" Liam asked.

I nodded.

We got into Liam's car that he left here from yesterday. Mum in the front seat and Liam in the driver's seat. I sat behind alone. Well not alone. We brought Loki along.

We had a few chats while driving to our destination. I have no idea where we're going because Liam doesn't want to tell me and I have a feeling mum knows to but she just didn't want me to know. I. Hate. Surprises.

"I'm hungry." I said. I realized I have not ate since we left. Stupid Sky stupid Sky.

"Owh um....let's stop by here then." Liam said as we headed to Nandos. We had lunch there and had a few of Liam's fans going crazy as they spot him. Mum and I had to wait in the car while Liam took pictures and sign his band's merchandises. After what felt like 3 hours (which was actually just 20 minutes) we were on the road again. Where the hell are we going???

"Are we there yet?" I whined.

"Nope." Liam replied.

"Are we there now????" I asked again.

"Honey we're not going to be there yet no matter how many times you ask so I suggest you save your energy for later than wasting it on asking me the same questions." Liam said while letting out a small giggle.

"Fine" I huffed.

I opened my lock on my phone and went through some of my social media apps for the fun of it. I had to make another account for my own personal life. Ever since people found out that I'm Danielle's daughter, my followers on Instagram and Twitter had increased drastically! So did my Tumblr account but it wasn't that bad.

I decided to look through my Twitter and damn people are still spamming me.

'Omg Skylar are you helping get #payzer back?'
'Sky we love you! I know you're going to get payzer back!'

I try not to read the hate tweets because it's just going to pull my mood down. I decided to just pat Loki and play with him a little.

"We're here." Liam said.

We got out of the car and I saw a hill. It wasn't that steep and tall but it was quite a walk to get to the top. When we did, Liam lay down a cloth which I assume will be our mat and mum placed down a picnic basket. How didn't I notice the picnic basket was beyond me. I took a good 2 minutes examining the surrounding. Everywhere is just grass and small hills here and there. A few trees and flowers too. It was beautiful.

We took the Frisbee and started playing with Loki. We played that and chasing one another while mum flims us. Liam carried me on his back and ran away from Loki who was trying to chase Liam. It was fun.

After that we sat down and ate sandwiches mum made before we left. Again I don't know why I haven't noticed this just now at home. I felt happy while sitting with mum, Liam and Loki. I felt like we're an actual family. We were happy.

Now that Liam and mum are official I felt as if I was really their daughter. We took a 'family' photo after we ate and laughed about many different things that happened in the band while they were on tour. Right there and then. I was a happy child.


Hello everyone! This book is coming to an end soon! Owh no!!! I'm sorry for the shittiest update in the world! I had exams for three weeks and I'm going to have another one next month (urh stupid senior year things). I'm currently having a two weeks break so hopefully I can finish this book by the time the holiday ends. I'm rushing a little so I can completely focus on my exams. I put my heart into this book so much it bothers me that I haven't update as frequent as I want to. Also I have decided on whose name I want in my book so stay tune! Anyways questions!

1) who's excited for the boys' new album??

2) how does it feel knowing there are only 4 now instead of 5 boys?

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