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February 7 2020

Smackdown Live was happening Connecticut as the crowd was excited to see what action awaits them. The Road to Elimination Chamber continues to heat up as new matches have been announced for the pay per view. Right now Charlotte was walking backstage as she was wearing her robe with the smackdown women's championship around her waist as she had a big smile on her face.

Charlotte was walking around Backstage as she was thinking about her upcoming title defense in Elimination Chamber but she wasn't afraid to back down from that fight and will do anything she can to retain the Smackdown Women's Championship

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Charlotte was walking around Backstage as she was thinking about her upcoming title defense in Elimination Chamber but she wasn't afraid to back down from that fight and will do anything she can to retain the Smackdown Women's Championship.

Charlotte was fixing her hair as she continued walking around backstage until Paige walked towards as both of them hugged each other and smiled.

Paige: What's up Char?

Charlotte: Nothing much, Just thinking about my match tonight along with my Elimination Chamber match.

Paige: So Who are you going against tonight?

Charlotte: Candice Le Rae.

Paige: This is gonna be an awesome match. Also be careful, Candice has the way watching her back.

Charlotte: Don't worry, I can handle them.

Paige had a huge smile on her face as both Charlotte and Paige continued talking until they saw The Way mocking some of the producers as Austin beat up a referee.

Charlotte and Paige were upset about what the way was doing as the way pushed a producer and played some music on their radio as they were talking to each other.

Charlotte: I'm gonna-

Paige: Not yet.

Charlotte: Don't stop me.

Paige: Well-

Paige and Charlotte heard footsteps as they saw Johnny along with Candice, Indi and Austin talking about their matches as they were listening to the music on the radio until....

Paige and Charlotte heard footsteps as they saw Johnny along with Candice, Indi and Austin talking about their matches as they were listening to the music on the radio until

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The Way were angry about what happened as they saw Thr Revenant walking away until they began taunting him.

Johnny: Hey, Get back here. You coward.

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