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February 27 2020

Elimination Chamber was over as everyone left the arena to get back to the hotel to rest up. Meanwhile Alex and Charlotte decided to go to a restaurant and spend some time together.

Alex and Charlotte exited the car as they entered the restaurant as they took their seats and looked at each other as the waiter gave them the menu as they were looking at it.

Charlotte: So How are you?

Alex: I'm doing good, What about you?

Charlotte: I'm doing good too.

Alex: That's Great to hear.

Charlotte: Can I ask you something?

Alex: Sure.

Charlotte: You said you dated someone but you two broke up due to long distance. Who is she?

Alex: Its Rosemary

Charlotte: Wait what?

Alex: Yeah, We were dating for two years but the long distance wasn't working out for us and in the end we broke up.

Charlotte: I'm sorry to hear.

Alex: Its okay Ashley, Be honest with me. Have you been dating anyone?

Charlotte: No I haven't actually, I've been focusing on my career lately. I don't have time for love.

Alex: I see, Well I hope you find the right one in the near future.

Charlotte: Same goes to you Ambrose.

The Waiter arrived as Alex and Charlotte told them their order as the waiter nodded and took the menu and walked away as they were talking to each other.

Alex: So What's next for the Queen?

Charlotte: Well Fastlane is happening and I'm ready for a challenge.

Alex: You got this.

Charlotte: What about you?

Alex: Well Roman already knows I'm his first challenger for the Universal Championship and I won't stop till I get what is mine.

Charlotte: Ooooh This is gonna be interesting.

Alex: Your right about that.

Charlotte and Alex continued talking about their wrestling careers along with their lives until the waiter brought them their food as they looked at it.

Charlotte and Alex continued talking about their wrestling careers along with their lives until the waiter brought them their food as they looked at it

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Charlotte and Alex began eating steak as they continued talking to each other while eating.

Charlotte: This Steak taste good.

Alex: I agree on that.

They continued eating as they continued talking to each other until they were done as Alex paid the bill and they left the restaurant as they were talking to each other.

The Queen And The Revenant | OC × Charlotte FlairWhere stories live. Discover now