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March 6 2020

Smackdown Live was over as everyone was going back to the hotel to rest up. Charlotte and Alex made it to the hotel as He carried the luggages to his room. He opened the room lights as Charlotte sat down on the couch as Alex sat down next to her.

Charlotte: I'm exhausted.

Alex: Me too but Hey Movie Night is gonna be fun though.

Charlotte: I agree on that, So What are we watching?

Alex: We're gonna watch some horror movies.

Charlotte: Seriously?

Alex: What's the matter? Is the Queen scared?

Charlotte: No! It's just. . . . Urgh Your right, I'm scared to watch Horror movies.

Alex: If you want, We can watch a movie of your preference.

Charlotte: Its okay, We can watch some Horror movies.

Alex: Sure?

Charlotte: Positive.

Alex: Alright Queen but don't blame me if you get scared.

Charlotte: That's reassuring.

Alex smiled at her as she smiled at him back as he gave her a pepsi can as she opened it and began drinking it as Alex was making some popcorn as she was talking to him.

Charlotte: So What do you do on your free days?

Alex: Nothing much honestly, All I do is work out, play some video games and watch some movies.

Charlotte: Oh I see. Do you have any friends?

Alex: I don't have any friends.

Charlotte looked at him as he gave her some popcorn as he was checking to see which movie they were gonna watch tonight until he heard Charlotte talking to him.

Charlotte: Don't think you have any friends, I'm your friend.

Alex looked at her as she was smiling at him until he smiled back at her as Charlotte got up from the couch and hugged him as he hugged her back.

Alex looked at her as she was smiling at him until he smiled back at her as Charlotte got up from the couch and hugged him as he hugged her back

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Alex: Thanks for that.

Charlotte: No Problem Jason.

Alex: *Smiles* Your Adorable.

Charlotte: *Smiles* And Your Cute.

Both of them smiled at each other as they sat down on the couch and watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1974 as Charlotte was feeling scared as she was holding Alex's hand.

Both of them smiled at each other as they sat down on the couch and watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1974 as Charlotte was feeling scared as she was holding Alex's hand

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Alex: Don't worry, I'm right here

Charlotte gave him a smile as they continued watching the movie as she was squeezing Alex's hand. Alex began laughing at her as she lightly punched him in the arm as she smiled back at him as they continued watching the movie.

The Movie went on as Charlotte continued squeezing Alex's hand until a jump scare happened as she was holding Alex's arm tightly in fear.

Alex: Dont be scared Charlotte, Should I change the movie?

Charlotte: No, Let's continue watching it.

Alex: Sure?

Charlotte: Sure.

Alex: If you say so.

Charlotte was looking at him as Alex wrapped his arm around her as She was blushing and got closer to Alex and continued watching the movie until it was done as they were talking to each other.

Alex: How was the movie?

Charlotte: It was so scary, I got chills running down my spine.

Alex: Aww The Queen is even more scared

Charlotte: *Blushes* No. . . Okay, I obviously was.

Alex: You were squeezing my hand really tightly.

Charlotte: Yeah, But I hope you didn't find that odd from me.

Alex: Of course not, Char.

Charlotte: You really are so sweet.

Alex: But your sweeter.

Charlotte blushed and smiled at him as Alex smiled at her back.

Alex: What do you wanna watch?

Charlotte: Let's watch The Dark Knight.

Alex: Sure.

They began watching the Dark Knight movie as they were eating popcorn while drinking pepsi as they were enjoying the movie. The Movie ended as Charlotte and Alex were feeling tired as she rested her head on his shoulder as Alex was starring at her, He couldn't help but smile and caressed her hair before they both fell asleep.

 The Movie ended as Charlotte and Alex were feeling tired as she rested her head on his shoulder as Alex was starring at her, He couldn't help but smile and caressed her hair before they both fell asleep

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March 7 2020

The Time was Seven Fifteen a.m as Charlotte woke up and saw Alex was asleep as she was gonna get up until he opened his eyes as he looked at Charlotte.

Charlotte: Sorry about that.

Alex: Its okay, I was gonna wake up anyways.

Charlotte: Oh I see. I really enjoyed movie night.

Alex: Good to hear Char, Sorry if Texas Chainsaw gave you some nightmares.

Charlotte: Its okay, Its a great movie though.

Alex: It sure is.

Charlotte: Hungry?

Alex: Yeah I'm hungry. I'll get us breakfast.

Charlotte nodded as Alex left the room as Charlotte freshen up and sat down on the couch as she was thinking about Alex as she smiled to herself.

(I'm in love with Alex Ambrose)

Charlotte continued thinking about him as she got her phone out and began looking through social media as she was also answering texts from Paige.

Fifteen minutes later, Charlotte heard the front door opening as she saw Alex holding some donuts and coffee as she gave it to Charlotte as she was drinking the coffee while eating a donut as Alex sat next to her as he was drinking some coffee and ate some donuts.

They were done as they packed up their bags as they left the hotel and began driving to the next location to attend a live event.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :D

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