
752 22 44

March 8 2020

Fastlane was happening as the crowd was excited to see what action awaits for them. The kickoffs were over as the main show began as the crowd was excited. The show went on as the crowd was so far enjoying it. The next match was Charlotte Flair defending the smackdown women's championship against Carmella. Charlotte was sitting in her locker room as she was fixing her robe and had the smackdown womens championship on her shoulder as she looked at herself.

Producers were calling Charlotte's name as she exited the locker room as she was making her way to the gorilla until she saw Alex looking at her as he said something to her

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Producers were calling Charlotte's name as she exited the locker room as she was making her way to the gorilla until she saw Alex looking at her as he said something to her.

Alex: Good luck Queen.

Charlotte smiled at Alex as he smiled at her back as she blew him a kiss as he smiled at her before she continued making her way to the gorilla.

Carmella made her entrance as she was taunting the crowd as they were booing her. She continued making her way to the ring as she was taunting Charlotte before she got inside the ring and posed for the crowd as her music stopped playing.

Charlotte made her entrance as the crowd was cheering for her as she smiled at them before she continued making her entrance as she made it to the ring and raised the championship in the air as the crowd continued cheering for her until her music stopped playing as she was looking at her opponent.

Charlotte and Carmella were looking at each other as The Referee took the championship as he was looking at both of them before he rang the bell as both Charlotte and Carmella began fighting.

The Match went on for fifteen minutes as Carmella was attacking Charlotte's leg as she was in pain until she applied a figure four on Charlotte as she was in pain as Carmella was taunting her to tap out. Charlotte managed to grab the ropes as Carmella was getting frustrated before she grabbed the queen and hit a face buster as she pinned her but she kicked out at two as she was getting frustrated.

The Match went on for five minutes before Charlotte managed to hit a German suplex on Carmella as she immediately followed it up with a big boot as Carmella was down. Charlotte was waiting for Carmella to get up as she hit another big boot on her before she hit a natural selection on her as she was down.

Charlotte wasn't done yet as she grabbed Carmella's leg and applied the figure eight on her as she was in pain until Carmella tapped out as Charlotte retained the Smackdown Women's Championship.

Her Theme emitted around the cheering arena as she grabbed her Championship and raised it in the air as she was smiling at the crowd before she pointed at the wrestlemania sign until Kairi's Theme played as The Crowd was cheering for her.

Kairi made her entrance as she was smiling at the crowd before she got in the ring and looked at Charlotte as both of them were having a stare down before Kairi pointed at the Wrestlemania sign as Charlotte smiled at her before they left the ring.

Charlotte made it to backstage as she was holding her leg until Alex walked towards her.

Alex: Hey, Are you alright?

Charlotte: I'm fine, Its just my leg hurts.

Alex looked at Charlotte as she was staring at him before he carried her up as she was shocked and spoke to him.

Charlotte: Alex, I can walk.

Alex: It's alright Queen, Your Knight is here to help you.

Charlotte couldn't help but blush as she smiled at him before he made it to the locker room as she sat down on the couch and looked at him.

Charlotte: Thanks.

Alex: Your welcome.

Charlotte and Alex looked at each other as they smiled at each other before they looked at each other again as Charlotte got closer to him as they were gonna kiss until....

Producer: Alex! Your match is happening right now!

Alex and Charlotte looked at each other as they were blushing until Alex put on his hockey mask and looked at Charlotte who was looking at him.

Charlotte: Good luck Jason.

Alex: Thanks.

Charlotte smiled at him as he left the locker room and continued making his way to the gorilla as he was thinking about Charlotte.

The Revenant made his entrance as the crowd was cheering for him as he continued walking down the entrance ramp until he made it to the ring as he was waiting for the champion to show up.

Roman made his entrance as he was looking at the monster who was just staring at him as he continued walking down the entrance ramp until he got in the ring but The Revenant began attacking him as Roman was trying to fight back as The Referee rang the bell.

Roman managed to push the Revenant as he hit a superman punch on him but it didn't faze him as The Revenant gave a death glare at Roman.

Roman stared at him as he tried to hit another superman punch on him but The Monster grabbed him and hit a bell to belly suplex as Roman was holding his back in pain

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Roman stared at him as he tried to hit another superman punch on him but The Monster grabbed him and hit a bell to belly suplex as Roman was holding his back in pain.

The Revenant wasn't done yet as he grabbed Roman again and hit a triple German suplex before he grabbed him again and hit a fallaway slam as he pinned him but he kicked out at two.

The Match went on for ten minutes as Roman hit another superman punch on the Revenant but he hit a big boot on him as he was down.

The Revenant climbed on the top rope as Roman got back on his feet until The Monster hit a top rope clothesline knocking Roman out as he grabbed his leg and applied a Double Boston crab as Roman was in pain.

Roman managed to grab the ropes as The Revenant grabbed him again and hit a release suplex as he pinned Roman but he kicked out at two.

The Match went on for ten minutes as Roman hit a spear through the barricade as the Revenant was down as both men weren't getting up. Roman managed to get up and drag the Revenant but he grabbed him and hit a choke slam on the table as Roman was down.

Both men managed to get back in the ring before the ten count as they began beating each other until Roman tried to hit another superman punch on Alex but he grabbed him mid air and hit a choke slam back breaker on him as he was down.

The Match went on for eight minutes as Roman was going for a spear but The Revenant countered it into a STO as Roman was down until he grabbed him and hit a Your Demise( Baron Corbin End Of Days) as Roman was down. The Revenant wasn't done yet as he grabbed Roman again and hit a Tombstone pile driver as he pinned him and got the three count.

The Referee rang the bell as The Revenant was new Universal Champion as he grabbed the Championship and looked at it before he picked it up and raised it in the air as fire erupted in the ring as the crowd was cheering for him.

The Revenant continued looking at the crowd before the lights went out as it came back on as The Revenant was gone as the show ended.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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