Anti Gravity

797 23 39

March 8 2020

Fast lane was over as everyone exited the arena as Charlotte exited the arena as she was carrying her luggage as she was fixing her hair and looked at herself.

Fast lane was over as everyone exited the arena as Charlotte exited the arena as she was carrying her luggage as she was fixing her hair and looked at herself

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Charlotte continued walking until she heard someone calling her name as she turned around and saw Alex walking towards her as he was fixing his jacket.

Charlotte continued walking until she heard someone calling her name as she turned around and saw Alex walking towards her as he was fixing his jacket

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Alex: Hey Queen.

Charlotte: Hey Jason, What's up?

Alex: Nothing much, How are you?

Charlotte: I'm fine, You?

Alex: Im doing good as well, Hey wanna go to a restaurant?

Charlotte: Sure, I'll love too actually.

Alex smiled and hold her hand as Charlotte began blushing as he smiled at her.

Alex: Shy?

Charlotte:*Blushes deeply* What? No. . .

Alex smiled at her as she smiled at him back. Alex placed their bags on the car as they got inside and drove to the restaurant as they got inside and ordered some food as they began talking to each other.

Charlotte: Your Match against Roman was amazing.

Alex: Thank you, I really loved your match as well. You did a great job.

Charlotte giggled and smiled at Alex.

Charlotte: You really are a sweet guy.

Alex: That's nice of you to say, Char. Your also really kind and also cute.

Charlotte: *Smiles* Really?

Alex: Of course, I'm glad to call you Queen.

Charlotte: Aww thank you, Voorhees.

Alex: No problem.

He smiled at her as Charlotte's heart was beating faster and she couldn't help but smile, She went close to Alex as he was confused until she kissed his cheek as Alex smiled at her.

The Queen And The Revenant | OC × Charlotte FlairWhere stories live. Discover now