Chapter 1~ New Girl

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I was sitting in my first class of the day, english. Mr Wells was trying to find something in the papers scattered on his desk. Then a girl walked in, she had long blonde hair, green eyes and she looked around 5ft. She reminded me of that Chloë Mortez girl thats going out with Brooklyn Beckham.

"Ummmm are you Mr Wells and is this English?" she asked, her voice was sweet and soft. And sounded a little bit British.

"Yes this is english and yes I'm Mr Wells, and who are you?" Mr Wells asks.

"I'm Aria, I come from the UK" Aria answered. I was right she is British, British and cute.

Mr Wells continues speaking to Aria but I tune them out, I focus on what she's wearing, maybe I might find out a bit about her by the way she looks. She's wearing a black cropped sweater that shows her anchor belly ring, some black ripped skinny jeans. Her nails are black and gold, she has a black and gold bracelet on and a anchor necklace that matches her belly ring and to top it off a black beanie that says FREAK on it. Seems bad girlish. Aha what am I thinking no girls are 'bad girls' just goths or emos. But I don't know she doesn't seem goth or emo.

She takes a seat in the right back hand corner away from everyone. I sit right in front of her. I pass her a note ' ayee new girl sit with me at lunch'. I hear her mumble something like 'not even been here ten minutes and I got some jerk asking me to sit with him. god I miss you girls'. I turn around and there she is talking on her phone and replying to my note. When she passed it back, I read it and kinda got shocked at what it said 'ayee well this new girl has a name it's Aria so if your going to be such a dick just back off. I haven't even been here ten minutes and your already asking me to sit with you. I would sit with the the sluts at lunch before I would sit with you, ya dicknose. KKay :)

Now that's a girl I like don't take crap from anyone. Not even the hottest guy in school.


When the bell rings, I wait outside the classroom for the new girl Aria. She walks out holding her timetable, to see where she's heading next I suppose. I run up beside Aria and slide my arm around her. she just gives me a dirty look and shoves my arm off her.
"Where you heading?" I ask. I wonder if she has art next, like me.
"Art" she replies.
"Well lucky for you that's where I'm going" I say as I sneak a look at her, she looks annoyed. "Like your outfit, real gothy" I say after she doesn't reply.
"Did you just call me gothy? OMG what a jerk" Aria scoffs walking off, pulling out her phone as she does.


When I arrived in art Aria was up the back in the right hand corner, same spot as English only thing was that was Amber Bridges seat. Anyone else wouldn't care if a new girl was in 'their' seat but Amber is the schools number one Bitch and she gets what she wants. But before I could warn Aria, Amber walked in and she didn't like that someone else was sitting in her seat. She walked up to Aria and slapped her straight across the face. "Why are you in my seat?" Amber squealed.
"Your seat? I didn't see a name," Aria replied annoyed "and why the fuck did you slap me for slut?"
"I slapped you cause your in my seat!!" Amber answers. Oooooh catfight.
"Well" says Aria standing up "if you slapped me do I get to slap you?" She asks as she punches Amber fair in the jaw.
"As you can see" Aria continues "I'm sitting here and I'm not moving. Oh and if you touch me again your jaw won't be the only place in pain right now." Aria sits down pulls out her phone and sketch pad and she starts to draw while she talking on the phone to a girl called Jade.

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