Chapter 6~ The Suprise

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I pull up in the driveway to see a big homemade sign saying "GLAD YOUR OKAY ARIA! LOVE THE BOYS XOXO." It's hanging just under the basketball hoop. Yeah I'm happy but I can't believe that Miles told Kane and Benji I was kidnapped. Urghhh. "MILESSSSSS" I yell. "Why did you tell the little ones?" I say calming down.

"Umm, I...I don't know" Miles says looking at his feet.

"Okay, okay boys, I'm fine" I say when Kane and Benji attacked me. "Well okay boys, I'm gonna go. Love ya Kane," I say giving Kane an air kiss.

"What about us?" Benji and Miles say in unison.

I give them a shrug "gotta go boys." I get in Oby and try to start the engine, it doesn't start. I wind down the window and say "umm Oby won't start, will you drop me home?"

"No" Miles says bluntly. Kane, Benji and I just stare at him. Eyes wide, mouths open.

"Why?" I ask kinda annoyed.

"'Cause your staying with us" Miles says excitedly. Kane and Benji start running 'round excited and screaming "Yay."

"Won't your parents mind?" I ask suddenly feeling bad.

"Umm well come inside, I need to tell you something," Miles says looking everywhere but at Kane and I. So is Benji.

Kane nudges me and whispers "what's going on? This is weird, they've never acted like this with us before."

"Yeah, it is" I whisper back. We walk inside and sit in their nice and tidy sitting room. Miles and Benji sit across from us on the coffee table.

"Well, our parents are..." Miles starts.

"Dead. Miles, dead. Stop trying to pretend it didn't happen. It happened years ago" Benji says. It's like he's the adult at the moment.

"I know Benji. Our parents died when the cruise ship they were on sunk" Miles says. OMG this cannot be happening. "Officer lemmings-the guy that helped you or whatever- he checks in on us and is like our father figure" Miles finishes.

"OMG our parents died on a cruise ship that sunk too" Kane blurts out before I could stop him.

"What the actual fuck Kane. You don't just scream it out. The whole of Neptune probably heard you" I yell.

"They needed to know Aria" says Kane pointedly

"I know, i know. Miles can you drop me home now?" I say feeling very tired.

"Nope" he says popping the 'p' "you're staying here."

"But Miles" I whine.

"Nope" he says tossing me over his shoulder in one swift motion. I start kicking and screaming to let me go But he doesn't. He takes me up the stairs and chucks me onto a bed with Benji and Kane following. Then in the most girliest voice ever he screams "WE'RE HAVING A SLEEPOVER!!!!" Oh shizballz.

"But I hate sleepovers with a passion" I say. And it's true I always have.

"No one hates sleepovers! You're just trying to get out of it" Benji says before Miles can say anything.

"No it's true she hates sleepovers" Kane states. Yes!!! Finally he remembers something useful.

"Well Imma gonna go" I say backing out of the room. But before I even get to the door I'm back over Miles' shoulder and chucked onto the bed.

"Us three" he says pointing to himself, Benji and Kane "are gonna make you love sleepovers." Kane and Benji nod in agreement. Oh shizballz

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