Chapter 11~The fight

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I hop off my bike and walk into the gym, I open my locker with a sigh. I get my Boxing gloves and change into my sweats. I walk out to the more quiet area of the Gym - it's busy now even though it's 2:00pm. I hear someone hitting the Boxing bag, I slow to a stop just beside the door to see who it is. I see a messy blonde ponytail and my sweats - the ones Aria stole. I stand there and watch Aria hit the Boxing bag in a rhythmic beat. She pauses and walks over to the bench, slipping her gloves off and gets a drink. I walk in, she looks up at the sound of my footsteps and scowls at me.

"What do you want?" She asks, voice full of hatred.

"Well I was going to eat unicorn shit and dance like a leprechaun but now I think I might train," I say back to her as I slip on my boxing gloves and walk towards the Boxing bag Aria was using just a minute ago.

"Well someone's grumpy today isn't he?" She says walking to the Boxing bag next to him.

"I was just told by someone that I did something that I didn't do and Now a different someone hates me because they think I did that something I didn't do, but really that first someone just made it up to make that second someone jealous because that second someone stayed at my house and that first someone probably thinks that somethings going on even though i dumped that first someone and  she's and over-obsessed Bitch" I take a deep breath and look at Aria out of the corner of my eye. She's stopped hitting the bag and is staring at me.

I turn to look at her and she looks me dead in the eye, "Fight Me."

"What! No? Why would I fight you?" I ask, staring at her in disbelief.

She says it again but louder and more demanding, "Fight me!"

 I shake my head, "No."

Her face softens and there's a distant look in her eyes "Please? I need to fight with someone." 

I don't know why she needs to fight with someone but I agree anyways with a little bit of uncertainty, "Okay." We move into the middle of the mat and I hear Aria mutter something under her breath then she advances on me with a punch to the jaw. My head whips back with the sudden impact and I stumble a bit to the left, I regain my Balance quickly and I see Aria going in for another punch, this one aimed a bit higher. Her arm swings out and my Hands move to my face and I block the punch swiftly but her Foot hits my knee at the same time and I stumble yet again. "Is this some sort of revenge?" I ask. 

"No I don't think so, I just need to fight someone?" She says it more like a question than a statement. "But You know i need someone who can actually fight," she gives a sigh as I block another punch.

"I can fight, but I have this thing about not hitting girls" I say thinking back to when my parents were alive and all the scars my mum had.

"Why? Because they're weaker than guys? Because they can't handle pain? Because You think boys are tougher and not as weak as girls? Well I think you're wrong I reckon there are plenty of girls in the work that are tougher and braver than guys," She stops fighting me and puts her hands on her hips. "So you think hitting girls is not okay but you think that if you trick them into liking you and trusting you then just turn around and start sucking the face off some slut is perfectly fine. Then you are messed up and if you ever mess with me again i'll Get you back so bad that your Grandchildren will feel it!" She yells the last part and turns away from me grabbing her stuff and pushing her way out of the room.

I give a yell of frustration. She probably thinks i'm some manwhore who just breaks innocent girls hearts.


I have never been more angry in my life, I pull out my phone to call Jade and I give a sigh of relief when she picks up after one ring

Jade-Hey bubz how are you?

Aria-Horrible! Can you come down this week?

Jade-Oh Honey! What happened?

Aria-Well you know how I told you about that guy and I thought I could trust him? Well he Turned out to be an arrogant Jerk like every other boy in this dump of a place. The best thing here is the Gym but that also kinda sucks 'cause he trains there too. 

Jade-Oh okay! You know I can't come this week but next week is prank week, You and Kane will have the whole week off with me and James and i'm sure the town can't be that bad

Aria-Oh but it is you'll see next week. Well I better get back to school Luv ya byeee

Jade-You too, Bye.

I hang up the phone and jump into Oby feeling Instantly better now that I have talked to Jade. I blast the radio and Headlights come on by Robin Schulz, as I mumble the words in time with the music I see a familiar Motorbike pass by and Give an internal sigh thinking 'just a week 'till i can see Jade and James.'

I arrive at school just as the bell rings and I rush to my Art class, I plonk myself down in the seat closest to the window in the back row and take out my sketch book. I get a message from Hunter:

HUNTZ-  Missed you at lunch, Jess said you had a bad morning. Inspirational Quote of the day (#IQOTD) 'Take a deep breath, Pick yourself up, Dust yourself off & Start all over again. :-) Better get used to these quotes 'cause you'll get one everyday ;-)

I smile to myself and message him back.

ARI-Yeah i did have a bad morning, I went to the gym that's why I wasn't at lunch. Thanks for the Quote It's cute. Can't wait to see what Tomorrows is!

I plug my ear phones in and listen to some All Time Low, Dear Maria comes on and i can feel my smile become bigger, I stat sketching away and when the class bell rings I look down at my drawing, realising what it is for the first time-A girl with a covered face fighting a boy with scars. I close the sketch book quickly and heads off to my next class.

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