A walk around... then a chase-

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Warnings: slight violence, i cant write fight scenes-



His black combat boot scraped against the dirt path while loud people pushed against his body, he paid no mind to this though as he was on the run... no he hasn't committed a crime he simply wants to walk around without guards following behind him while scaring everyone away. The scowl that played on his features because of his lack of social interaction didn't help either but that was besides the point. He was going to overheat at the pace he was speed walking while covering every inch of his body to hide himself. As sweat dripped from his face he took a swift turn when making eye contact with one of the guards who got slightly suspicious of the action. With his swift and not fully thought out movement he ran into a tall, brown, curly haired man.

He looked at him and froze. No he was not to admire is features, although he was a fairly handsome young man. but behind him was a half-blood, and another, and another. Most places half-bloods are just glared at, hated, mistreated, but here. it was much worse. He stared at a half-blood with a green coat that at first glance looked normal but was obviously hiding wings once looking closer. He had a bucket hat that framed his face with white and green lines, as his blond locks stuck out from under it. Another very similar looking blond stood behind him staring at him with a blank face, he wore a white and red shirt with a bandana around his neck. He had a beanie that looked like a last minute cover up because of it being dark gray, not matching him at all. It looked like it was hovering over his head slightly and the fact that his shorts hung on his frame unevenly proved M/n's suspicion. He has some form of ears and a tail.

The other had pink braided hair with elf like ears with golden jewelry hanging from them and tusks that came out from his mouth. He didn't even try and hide the fact that he was a half-blood. You saw reason for yourself, he was terrifying... He was tall and has, what im assuming, is a resting face that looks like a glare. He also had a leather belt that rested around his waist that had a purple axe that had a galaxy like glow to it. He had pink tinted skin and scars laid sparingly on it. He had piercing red eyes. He had a skull mask laying on his head, when M/n and him made eye contact his breath hitched and the pink haired man grunted and pulled his mask down.

M/n stood their, with a mixed look of fear, disgust, shock, and confusion. Behind him was the sound of metal clashing on metal. The boy with the beanie physically recoiled at the sound, guess he has sensitive ears. As M/n turns he sees a guard walking up to him with a scowl on his face. You looked him dead in the eyes and started sweating more out of pure fear. The guard saw you and connected the dots, his eyes, his coat, his jewelry. Not only was the prince outside of the castle, he was unattended, and next to half-bloods. "Half-bloods?!" the guard growled obvious venom dripping from his words. 'you notice now? When im right here? Blind pr-' The pink haired half blood grabbed his axe, as the guard grabbed his sword. The tall brown haired one pulled you towards the group of half bloods in hopes you wouldn't be stuck in the cross fire. Little did he know he just grabbed the arm of the prince of the fine land he is in. Now from the target being on Techno, it immediately shifted to Wilbur...


Wilbur P.O.V.


'This bloody prick!' The guard had all eyes on Techno two second ago and now he is launching toward me at full speed. Im not even a bloody half-blood and he is looking at me like hes ready to kill me?! And his blade was sharp, it shined as if it was made of diamond, although with the pale white color it was obviously iron. I pulled the boy behind me again and moved out of the way from the guards blade. Techno slashed the guard in the back because of his random need to attack me.  The guard glared daggers at me like i did something. What you may ask? I HAVE NO CLUE but it may cause me death so... YAY. I looked back at the boy behind me and his eyes looked scared and nervous, it confused me. The fact that he was looking at the guard with so much genuine fear. The guard looked at him and immediately ran towards him, this caused the boy jump back slightly and covered his head. Ready to be hit it seemed.

Techno grabbed his arm before he could reach him and pulled him back into his blade. The man was dead. Another man dead at the hands of Techno. GOD DA- the boy uncovered his face because of the agonizing scream the guard let out. You can see the guilt on his face, but also a lot of relief washed over him. Then a face of realization, then fear... He looked at Techno with face of slight fear, but you can tell he was trying to hide it. "Calm down Stupid, I just saved your life.  Im not gonna end in now."  Techno said with his usual monotone voice.  The boy looked at him and glared slightly and with that we heard more guards running to use, yet they were slowed by the crowd that we failed to notice forming around us. When we heard that they yelled somethings about the Prince and half-bloods, we ran and I grabbed the boy.

"Let go!" the boy growled and he tried to pull his arm away from me, This was slowing us down. I knew if we left the boy the guards would catch him because they are obviously after him for something. I looked at Techno and he nodded, Techno grabbed him by the arm and pulled him infront of him and slammed him in the back of the head and he blacked out.  So much for having a nice walk.


Tommy pov


    We finally made it home, in the middle of the fight i tried to help Techno but Phil picked me up and flew away. I knew Techno and Wilbur could help them selves but still. It may not have been the best idea to leave them with a stranger. Techno would probably kill them and not even mean to. Wilber would kill them from boredom with his rant about how to play guitar and different notes and more boring stuff like that. But Phil kept telling me they were fine.

    When me and Phil got home he made me clean the house while he got fire wood and cooked dinner. When he got home he got to cooking and i kept slowly cleaning while describing to Phil how i shouldnt have to clean and why i should have stayed to help Techno and Will. By describing I mean whining. But that was besides the point, As i was in the middle of pointing out my fighting expertise when the door opened and closed. I ignored it and kept cleaning until a body was laid on the couch.


"You killed him, you actually killed him."


Took forever to write lol, ill try and post once a week, school sucks

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