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Tommy and I had finished our chore a while ago and I had nothing better to do. My solution to my never ending boredom was to explore the area a little, they has a couple horses, A semi concerning amount of cows, some foxes, the polar bear that almost killed me earlier.

Nothing really interesting so I eventually made my way back inside abandoning the gloves and boots at the door, keeping in the coat in favor of its warmth. I sat on the couch, eyes wondering around to find something else to distract my pea sized brain. There was a book shelf, the fire place, a guitar held up by a stand in the corner. The coffee table in-front of me had a pack of colored pencils some thrown on it along with paper and a half empty mug of coffee.

The book shelf drawing the most of my attention, (nerd) I hoisted myself up and walked over to it. The titles varied from history books to greek mythology, guitar tips to a journal filled with songs written by Wilbur. (Curtesy of his signature). "How to deal with a rowdy kid" and "Your son wants blood:what do you do?"

"This family is weirder than I thought..." Grabbing a random book with the name "Icarus" written on the front, I didn't know what is was but I'll be damned if I weren't gonna figure it out while I waited for everyone to get back from chores.

An hour or so had flown by and I read about 5 pages because I'd space out mid way and would have to start over. 'I forgot how much i hated actually reading.' The sounds of boots hitting the porch pulled me out of my thoughts and sent my eyes directly to the door. Muffled whining was heard outside along with a hearty laugh. 'Tommy being childish and Phil being Phil.'

==3rd person pov==

(M/n) closed the book, placing it on the coffee table to be forgotten about the like coffee and pencils. The door swung Open revealing the two blond males. "-lll why do I have to do ittt!" The youngest of the two whined, drawing out the end. "Because Techno and Wil are splitting wood right now."
"Why not (M/n)! The pompous prick could use some dirt under his nails."

Tommy said slight venom directed at (M/n). Not that he cared, he was more worried about what job he was being forcefully volunteered to do. "He's our guest and its just setting the table Tommy." Phil sighed as he walked to the kitchen, boots left at the door in the process. "FINEeeee, I can't see why you would need me, a big and strong man to do something as small as that. But oh well, just a waste of my talents."

Tommy flopped himself on the couch, not caring much for the boy next to him. (M/n) shuffled away as fast as he could from him, Tommy shot him a snarl then giggled slightly. "Why are you laughing." "Your an over dramatic twat." Immediately (M/n)'s face turned to one of slightly shock then just turned offended. "How am I over dramatic?! You were practically crying over setting a table!"



The two boys were to distracted in the bickering to notice the steps down the stairs. And the now tall looming figure with red eyes glaring daggers at them.

"Your both over dramatic shut up."

(Discontinued) A King, a Queen, and a prince with no hope... [mcytxmalereader]Where stories live. Discover now