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Immediately both the boys attention was drawn towards the looming figure, one slightly more terrified that the other. "Come on Techno, we were having a lovely conversation until you decided to butt in!" Tommy shouted with false anger. "Actually Techno thank you for saving me from the "lovely conversation" with this five year old." (M/n) said with hesitation and very little confidence.

"THE FUCK? I AM A MAN A BIG MAN! HOW DARE YOU CALL ME A FIVE YEAR OLD!-" Techno chuckled slighty as his stare was switched from Tommy to (M/n). "Yeah whatever." Techno walked to the kitchen, Tommy was quick to follow after while still trying to defend himself. Leavings our unknown prince alone with his thoughts.

==(M/n) POV==

Techno makes me uncomfortable.
Yes I am uncomfortable around most half bloods but Techno especially, he fits the violent stories of half bloods so well. His fighting techniques are amazing, imagine being on the other end of that blade. Imagine him shifting and just going feral, its happened to so many people. What stops him from doing that to you?

Tommy is a little better i guess, he doesn't shift into anything scary. Hes a Raccoon and the equivalent of a 2 year old. Phil has huge black wings on his back, it boggles the mind on how he is able to hide them so well. Wilbur was human, but still crazy for living with the half blood. The man must have a death wish to stay here...

==Techno POV==

(M/n) drove the voices up the wall. They hated him with a burning passion, but I cant put my finger on why. Theres to many things being said along with Tommy and Phils loud conversation its over whelming. I walked to the living room about to make my way outside when I see a book with a hand laid on the coffee table. 'Icarus, at least he's got taste.' The voices went wild as my hand launched towards the book, softly shoving the boys hand off of it.

The moment of contact it was silent, not one word or whisper from the voices. His hand was immediately pulled toward himself, a look of slightly fear on his face. I grabbed the book and continued outside, the moment I closed the door the voices screamed a hundred times louder that before. Looks like we need a little blood shed.

(Discontinued) A King, a Queen, and a prince with no hope... [mcytxmalereader]Where stories live. Discover now