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Tommy awkwardly shuffled into the shed where I was grabbing hay. I started walking to the door to leave, but he just stared at me. I cleared my throat hoping he would get the clue and move, but he didn't. "Can you like, move." I asked (Snapped). He shook his head and just stayed standing there. "Ummm... please?" He shook his head again. It started to really piss me of so i did what any person would do and shoved him out of the way. He looked confused for a second but as i started to walk away he snapped his head towards me and yelled. "HEY! You asshole!"

" i asked you politely to move, you didn't so i did it for you." I mumbled and kept walking. I heard shuffling and i turned and Tommy was zooming toward me, once he made it next to me we sat in an awkward silence. "Soooo..." "I don't wanna make small talk." "Bitch." The comment was answered with a nasty look. We walked in silence for a couple minutes until he decided to ruin the peace. "Hey! Your very rude, is there a reason." I look at him kinda shocked and just stared. "Your staring." This bitch

"No shit Sherlock, and I'm not rude." It didn't take Tommy long to respond, "But you were staring at me, you shoved me, and you judge Phil, me and Techno!" ... " And how did i judge you three?" "Well we're half bloods and you said you don't feel safe around half bloods." Snitch. "And, its not like that affects you very much now does it?" I shoved past him again and completely tuned him out for the rest of the itchy, heavy, shitty chore.

Lol sorry its short but im on a break from school so ill try to update more byeeee

(Discontinued) A King, a Queen, and a prince with no hope... [mcytxmalereader]Where stories live. Discover now